NY 81 SE,
156- /10/10000 STAINMORE,
Rampson Farmhouse and Attached outbuildings. II Farmhouse and attached range of outbuildings. Mid to late C18, but incorporating parts of an earlier dwelling including a date stone of 1630, and refurbished 1995-6. Coursed rubble sandstone with substantial quoin stones, all now wet-dash rendered and limewashed. 2 ridge chimneys and a stone slate roof covering. PLAN: irregular T-shaped plan house, with 3-unit range to front and service wing to rear, and with L-shaped outbuilding range attached to east end of house. HOUSE: 2-storey main range, with off-centre main doorway to east side, and secondary doorway to present dairy to the west. Main doorway with 6-panel door set within doorcase with closed pediment, plain pilasters with moulded capitals and a banded lintel. To the right, stacked C20 glazing-bar sash windows, 10 over 10 panes, with thin projecting cills and plain lintels. To the left, two C20 6 over 6 pane sashes to each floor. Further left, beyond quoin line, the doorway to the dairy with wide boarded door, then a first-floor 6 over 6 pane sash. Below, a relocated date stone, bearing the inscription 'S.W.M. 1630'. To the side of the doorway, a small single-light window in a blocked doorway. Rear elevation with late C20 sash window to light stair landing. Rear wing substantially remodelled in 1996. INTERIOR. Principal doorway leads into stair hall. Doorways to flanking reception rooms with 8-panel doors with raised and fielded panels set within moulded architraves. Front-wall windows with panelled reveals. West room with built-in corner cupboard with raised and fielded panelled doors. OUTBUILDING: includes bay to east of house, and long range extending southwards from it, with short cross wing at south end. Rear wall of bay in line with house with substantial stone surround to doorway at east end. Projecting range with 2 plain doorways to west side wall, and 2 plain rectangular openings to gable end. Cross wing with arched cart entry to right. A substantial yeoman farmers house of the late C18 which, despite recent alteration, retains its original plan, and much interior detail. Listing NGR: NY8541913313
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