646-1/13/638 (North side)
28/11/79 No.56
Stanley House
(Formerly Listed as:
Lambert's Factory) II Former bleaching, dyeing and finishing works, now offices.
1863. For John and William Lambert, lace dressers. Factory
ranges at the rear demolished 1979. Converted and restored
1991-93. Clock tower rebuilt following collapse. Red brick and
ashlar, with yellow brick and ashlar dressings. Roof not
visible. Renaissance Revival style.
Ashlar basement, string courses, quoins, eaves cornice, coped
parapet with pedestals and urns. Windows are mullioned and
transomed casements, reglazed.
4 storeys plus basement; 5 bays. Balanced street front with
projecting centre and end bays, crowned by large ornamental
features. Basement has an off-centre round-arched door and 10
windows, unequally spaced. Central bays have regular
fenestration, 4:3:4 windows. The centre bay is topped with 3
round-arched niches supported by consoles, under a cornice
with urns.
Right end bay has a round-arched carriage entrance, 2 storeys,
with cast-iron gates. Above, single windows on each floor.
Above the parapet, set at an oblique angle, a square clock
tower, 2 storeys, with paired angle pilasters, cornices and
pierced balustrade with corner pedestals. Clock faces on the
lower stage, sash windows under round arches above.
Left end bay has a basement door and window. Above, a triple
window on each floor. Above the parapet, a belvedere, single
storey, with round-arched arcades, 3 bays, on each side.
Paired rusticated angle pilasters, entablature, pierced
(The Buildings of England: Pevsner N: Nottinghamshire: London:
1979-: 241).
Listing NGR: SK5684640187
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Books and journals Williamson, E, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire, (1979), 241
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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