This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 24 November 2022 to remove superfluous source details and reformat the text to current standards. SK3587NW
784-1/19/568 SHEFFIELD
Nos.4-12 (even) and attached railings
Five houses, now offices, and attached railings. c1771, with early and mid C19 and early C20 alterations, restored late C20. Built for Thomas Broadbent. Brick with ashlar dressings and slate roofs with six gable stacks. EXTERIOR: three storeys; three and four window ranges. Stepped row following the slope of the site. Nos 4 and 6, to right, have moulded cornices and brick parapets, and windows with brick flat arches. Each has three twelve pane sashes and above, three similar slightly smaller sashes. Below, to right, simply moulded doorcases with segmental pediments and six-panel doors, flanked to left by two twelve pane sashes. No.8, to left, has early C20 front with sillbands, moulded cornice and blocking course, and plain sashes with brick flat arches and keystones. Three windows on the upper floors, the second floor windows smaller. To right, ashlar doorcase with pulvinated frieze and semi-pediment, with moulded six-panel door. To its left, two plain sashes. No.10, to left again, has C20 front, four windows, with moulded cornice and ramped coped parapet. Windows have brick flat arches. Four twelve pane sashes and above, four nine pane sashes. Pedimented wooden doorcase to right, with panelled door, flanked to left by three fifteen pane sashes. No.12 has early C19 front with deep moulded cornice, and parapet with three balustrade panels and shaped blocking. Windows are plain sashes with brick flat arches, those to second floor smaller. Doorcase to right with Doric pilasters and cornice and six-panel door with overlight, flanked to left by two sashes. INTERIOR not inspected. Plaque in memory of Dr DD Davies, 1778-1841. Outside, all houses except No.10 have attached cast-iron spearhead railing, early C19, that to No.12 raised on a deep ashlar base.
Listing NGR: SK3535787590
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, Radcliffe, E, The Buildings of England: Yorkshire: The West Riding, (1967), 455
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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