SD 8738 NELSON TOWN HOUSE ROAD former Coach-house
1317-0/0/10001 to Marsden Hall
GV II Coach-house, now store (etc), recently damaged by fire. Probably
mid to later C18; altered. Watershot coursed sandstone rubble
with quoins, stone slate roof. Broad L-plan with rear gable to
street and wider front gable facing Marsden Hall. Two storeys.
The gabled west facade has a stone balcony to the 1st floor
carried round from the north side and extending almost the full
width, and cavetto-moulded gable coping with kneelers and a large
urn finial with the slender shaft of a former weathervane. The
ground floor has 2 wide round-headed wagon doorways offset to the
right, both with C20 board double doors, splayed voussoirs and
keystones interrupted by the balcony, and between these a square-
headed window in C17 style with double-chamfered surround and
hoodmould with shield stops (now boarded). The 1st floor, served
by a balcony with cast-iron stick-baluster railings and carried
on large moulded stone brackets, has an unusual 7-light
mullioned window with square-cut flush mullions (the 4th, 5th and
6th lights with damaged 6-pane glazing boarded internally and the
others boarded externally), a coupled pair of doorways to the
right blocked with stone but furnished with lugs for outward-
opening doors, and a boarded 1-light window right of these; and
in the gable is a round-headed stone-louvred window with a keyed
plain surround. The north side has (inter alia) external steps
to the balcony, a doorway at the top of these with plain
surround, a former doorway below the balcony altered as a window,
near the left (east) end a square-headed doorway with chamfered
quoined surround, tall windows and a sliding door at ground
floor, and 4 square windows at 1st floor (all boarded). The south
side, stepped back beyond the 1st bay, has (inter alia) at 1st
floor of the 1st bay a rectangular sundial angled slightly to the
right, with a moulded corbel, frieze lettered "Lat 53 49 N / Lon
2 10 W" and "AD 1837", and a shaped panelled face inscribed:
"Test well Thine Heart, Thy will, Thy words, Thy way / And the
True Light will guide to Glorious Day"; and a set-back 3-window
portion which has a blocked doorway, a blocked square window on
each floor to the left and 2-light windows to the right with
flat-faced mullions. The rear gable (to the street) has 2 blocked
doorways at ground floor, an inserted loading doorway above to
the right and a 3-dimensional cruciform finial. Interior not
accessible. History: not known, but mullioned window at west end
and inserted loading doorway at east end suggests conversion to
use as handloom weaving workshop c.1800. Forms group with Marsden
Hall approx. 150 metres west (qv)
Listing NGR: SD8604137991
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