829-1/9/116 (South side)
08/05/50 Nos.65, 67 AND 67A
(Formerly Listed as:
Nos.65 AND 67) GV II* 2 shops with dwellings above and to the rear incorporating
street frontage carriage arch; formerly The Christopher Inn.
Late C15 or early C16, altered C17, refronted mid C18 and
further altered C19 and C20. Earliest phases timber-framed,
with later facing of plum-coloured brickwork laid to Flemish
bond, with cherry red dressings, to street frontage, and
yellow/grey Gault brick facings (No.65) and stucco (No.67) to
rear offshoots. Welsh slate and plain tile roof coverings.
Street frontage range with off-centre carriage arch giving
access to flanking ranges running at right angles to main
EXTERIOR: 3 storeys to street, 2 storeys and attics to rear,
and two 2 storeyed rear offshoots to east and west of access
way to yard. Ownership now divided.
South (street) elevation; 8 bays with carriageway forming
second and third bays. Moulded timber surround, with early C19
moulded tracery, with small quatrefoil and larger cinquefoil
roundels, the latter with blank shields. Framed carriageway
doors, one small with 5 recessed raised linenfold panels, one
large with 15 similar panels, 6 set in central wicket door.
Heads of doors follow arch profile above. Set within
carriageway, late C15/early C16 timber arch with moulded
reveals and elliptical head, with spandrels with single blind
dagger ornament.
To left of carriageway (No.65) narrow C19 shopfront with
flanking pilasters surmounted by elaborate carved console
brackets. Fascia, timber stallriser, narrow plate display
window, with moulded mullion and recessed entrance at front.
To right of carriageway (No.67) late C19 shopfront panelled
pilasters, elaborately carved console brackets containing
fascia. Arcaded display windows with side of central canted
recessed entrance. Timber stallriser, timber glazing bars with
plate glass display windows. Timber fascia with dentil frieze
and moulded cornice above. Ground floors of both shops lowered
to street level in late C19. Above the carriageway, a moulded
plat band, originally continuous across the facade prior to
the insertion of the shopfronts. Irregular pattern to first
and second floor openings; 8 bay subdivision; bays 1, 3 and 6
with blind recesses, the remaining openings with C19 divided
glazing to sash windows having slightly recessed exposed sash
boxes. Moulded surrounds under flat rubbed brick arches and
with flanking quoins in cherry red brickwork. Pattern repeated
at second floor, with smaller, square openings. Plat band with
moulded cornice between first and second floors.
Rear offshoots to east (No.65) of 2 storeys, C16, altered,
stucco faced, with quoins at ends C18 over timber frame above
a C20 brick plinth. 3 casement windows, architrave surround to
door, and rectangular fanlight between cut brackets to cornice
hood. Rear offshoot to west (No.67) of 2 storeys.
INTERIOR: ground floor interior of No.65 has diagonally set
fireplace with mid C18 bolection moulded surround. Roof of
rear outshoot said to contain crown post. Ground floor of
No.67 remodelled to form late C19 shop premises: first floor
(numbered 67A) with early/mid C18 newel staircase, originally
serving ground floor, and with late C17 bobbin pattern
balusters together with mid C18 vase pattern balusters.
Half-landing to second floor with late C17 panelling. 4
panelled doors with bolection mouldings to first floor. Attics
indicate raising to form third storey with C18 refronting in
brick. Heavy C17 or earlier timber-framing to west gable wall
visible from roof space of No.69 adjoining. Formerly The
Christopher Inn, one of the largest of Ware's inns and
recorded as existing in 1542. The ground floor shops formed
part of Harradences Drapery Department Store from 1775-1871,
together with Nos 69 and 71, and No.73 (qv).
(Edwards E and Perman D: Ware's Past In Pictures: Ware: 1991-:
87; Hunt EM: The History of Ware: Hertford: 1986-1946: 98; The
Buildings of England: Pevsner N (rev. Cherry B):
Hertfordshire: Harmondsworth: 1977-: 379; Royal Commission on
Historical Monuments (England): An Inventory of the Historical
Monuments in Hertfordshire: London: 1910-: 229; Perman D: Ware
UD. List of buildings of special arch or historic interest:
1993-: 33; Ware 25" to 1 Mile. Surveyed by the Ordnance
Survey Department: 1851-; The Victoria History of the County
of Hertford: London: 1912-: 381; Forrester H: Timber Framed
Buildings in Hertford and Ware: Hitchin: 1964-: 34, 38-9;
1890-1895; East Herts Archaeological Society Transactions:
Andrews RT: Ancient Buildings at Ware: Hertford: 1901-:
Listing NGR: TL3573314309
The contents of this record have been generated from a legacy data system.
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Books and journals Doubleday, A, The Victoria History of the County of Hertford, (1912), 381 Edwards, , Perman, , Wares Past in Pictures, (1991), 87 Forrester, H , Timber Framed Buildings in Hertford and Ware, (1964), 38-9 Forrester, H , Timber Framed Buildings in Hertford and Ware, (1964), 34 Hunt, E M, The History of Ware 1986-1946, (1986), 98 Pevsner, N, Cherry, B, The Buildings of England: Hertfordshire, (1977), 379 'Transactions of the East Hertfordshire Archaeological Society' in Transactions of the East Hertfordshire Archaeological Society, (1901), 270-2Other Inventory of the Historical Monuments of Hertfordshire, (1910)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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