TQ 56 43 BIDBOROUGH GATE FARM ROAD 11/4 Broadfield II Former farmhouse. Circa late C16, extended and re-roofed in the mid/late Cl9,
late C20 renovations. The C16 build is of framed construction, the ground
floor underbuilt in brick, probably in the C19, and the tile-hung to the first
floor. The Cl9 addition is brick with blue headers to the ground floor, the
first floor tile-hung. Peg-tile roofs; brick stacks throughout. Plan and Development: Approximate T plan. The 3 room plan C16 block faces
east with a lobby entrance on the east side against the axial stack which
heats the centre room. This is flanked by unheated service rooms. A one-room
plan rear (west) wing at right angles may have been the original kitchen but
has been largely rebuilt in the C20. In the mid/late C19 this wing was
extended by a 1 room plan addition, heated from a lateral stack on the south
side and the C16 wing was probably downgraded to a kitchen, judging from the
bread ovens cut into the fireplace, and re-roofed, giving extra height to
attic. Exterior: 2 storeys. Asymmetrical 2 window east elevation, blind to the left
of centre with 2 4-light central casements, probably C19 in date, with square
leaded panes and a small Cl9 2-light timber casement to ground floor right.
C19 plank door to the lobby entrancce to right of centre. The north elevation
has Cl9 and C20 casements, some with square leaded panes. The south
elevation, the present entrance front, has regular 2-light windows to the left
(the C19 block) the first floor casements with square leaded panes, the ground
floor windows 2-light transomed casements. The windows to the earlier build,
to the right, are 3-light C19 or C20 casements, mostly with square leaded
panes. A C20 porch has been added in the angle between the kitchen and main
block of the C16 build. Interior: The C16 part of the house preserves much of its original carpentry,
although the roof construction above the collar purlin is a C19 replacement.
The wall framing, which is partly exposed on the first floor preserves a
tension brace at the north end and 2 plain 2-light unglazed windows, now
blocked. The wall plate is supported on flared jowel posts. The cross
partition between the centre and south rooms is of heavy scantling and has
been removed above collar purlin level. On the ground floor the centre room
preserves a massive open fireplace with sandstone jambs and a chamfered oak
lintel. The fireback is partly stone and partly brick with a bread oven cut
into it and a second blocked oven in the left hand jamb. The longitudinal
ceiling beam has step jewel stops and chamfered stopped joists. A winder
stair with a C17 or early C18 ledged door leads from the first floor to the
attic in the south west corner, the attic is floored with massive, wide oak
boards. The rear wing of the C16 block has been very renewed using old
timbers and the fireplace is largely C20. Roof: Presumably a side purlin construction in origin, the common rafters
have been replaced, probably in the C19, with a ridge board. Documentation in the possession of the owners refers to the site in 1454. An interesting evolved house with early carpentry preserved inside. The
Victorian extension is sympathetic with regard to scale and materials.
Listing NGR: TQ5640443781
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