(south side) 6/70 Trowel Hall and
adjoining Game-
12.2.75 keeper's Cottage
and garden wall G.V. II Country house. c.1880. Possibly by T. C. Hine. Jacobean
Revival style. Brick with slate roofs. Ashlar dressings.
Chamfered plinth, 2 moulded string courses. Coped and moulded
parapets and shaped gables. 2 octagonal, single cruciform and
single external side wall stacks. 2 storeys, 5 unequal bays.
Double depth T-plan. Windows are cross and mullioned casements.
Main north front has to left, block with projecting central bay
with blocked keystoned doorcase, fanlight, cornice and strapwork.
To its left, external stack. To right, canted oriel window with
pierced balustrade. Above, a central casement. To right, set
back service wing with 3 casements and above, 2 cross-eaves
gabled dormers. To its right, square extruded corner tower with
Tudor arched door and to north and casement in return angle.
Above, a casement. Above again, 2 stage octagonal tower with
strapwork ornament, leaded ogee dome and wind vane. To right
again, gabled cross wing with a casement on each floor plus 2
casements in return angle. To right again, single storey gabled
and lean-to outbuildings around paved yard. Single casement and
basket arched door to north. Double gabled east end has
casement, and to right, canted bay window with strapwork parapet.
Above, 2 casements. Garden front has to left, gabled cross wing
with a casement. To its right, setback bay with a casement and
above, a gabled cross-eaves dormer. To right again, gabled
extruded corner with a casement on each floor and Tudor arched
doorway in return angle. Main block has 2 canted bay windows
with strapwork parapets. Above, central oriel window flanked by
single casements. Above again, 3 small dormers, the central one
with an octagonal stack. Adjoining courtyard contains wash
house, storage rooms and pyramid-roofed game larder. Adjoining
garden wall, to west, coursed rubble with flat slab coping, has
projecting ramped section. Interior has Jacobean style dogleg
stair with landings in square stairwell with dentillated cornice
and pendant lamp. Entrance hall has panelling and keystoned
archways. Principal rooms have deep moulded cornices, wall
panels and plaster or papier mache Jacobean style ceilings.
Classical marble and ashlar Tudor style fireplaces. Bathroom
contains late C19 roll-top bath with shower enclosure and
fittings, complete and in use.
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