Stoford Farmhouse and Yatford Cottage (formerly Listed as Stoford Farm House or Yatford Farm House)
4.2.58 - II
Farmhouse, now 2 dwellings. C16-C17, faced in brick late C18-early C19, rear wing refenestration C20. Random rubble
faced with red brick with purple header, Flemish bond, exposed on east front of wing and roughcast at north end,
squared and coursed Ham stone plinth, thatched roof with tiled rear wine. stone stack right gable end, brick stacks to
left of main entrance, centre and to left of subsidiary entrance. 'L'-plan: 5-cell and cross passage facing south with
dairv wing to north-east. Two storeys, 4:1 bays, all C19 leaded wooden casements, 3- and 4-light first floor, ground
floor under brick voussoirs, 4-light left flanking wooden door, two 4-light casement to right. Right return: unlit
gable end, 1:3 bays with large stepped buttress at junction with dairy wing. Interior not seen. Said to contain kitchen
to right of through passage that links dairy wing, kitchen with chamfered wooden lintel and chamfered stone jambs to
fireplace originally with curing chamber on front will, hall with 8-panel compartment ceiling with moulded beams and
fireplace with moulded stone iambs and hollow chamfered lintel, inner room with chamfered beads and step and runout
stops, possibly once containing a back to back fireplace since rebuilt, room beyond with 4-panel compartment ceiling,
stairs inserted in through passage, chamfered bears in room beyond. Two pairs of jointed cruck trusses said to be
visible over inner room and second hall with large wooden doorframe with arched head. It is thought that the house was
always intended to contain 2 families, the farmer and family at East end and grandparents at west end. (VAG Report,
unpublished SRO. August 1973).
Listing NGR: ST3206515437
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Books and journals 'Vernacular Architecture Group Report' in August, (1973)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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