3/40 Jackson's Farmhouse and
cottage adjoining Jackson's
Farmhouse and attached garden
wall (formerly listed as Old Hall
(Jackmans House Farm)
Farmhouse, now 2 dwellings. Hall range dated 1627 internally, wing
probably c.1600; altered. Coursed squared sandstone, stone slate roof.
Modified T-plan, facing south: hall range with 2-bay crosswing at east end,
short rear wing, and projecting porch at west end. Two storeys; 2-storey
gabled porch at left end has doorway with 4-centred head,
slightly-oversailing facade above this, a recessed 3-light window at 1st
floor, a round-headed light in the gable and stone coping; hall range has a
continuous dripcourse, at ground floor a 3-light former firewindow and a
king-mullioned hall window formerly 4 + 4 lights but now 2 + 4 (a doorway
inserted at the left end now blocked), and at 1st floor two 3-light
windows: all these windows have recessed ovalo-and-fillet mullions and
those at lst floor have hoodmoulds. West gable wall has 2 similar 2-light
windows at 1st floor, stone gable coping and large chimney cap on the apex.
Small ridge chimney at junction with wing. East wing, which is earlier,
has in the gable wall king-mullioned windows with recessed round-headed
lights and hollow spandrels, 3 + 3 lights on each floor, both with
hoodmoulds, in the re-entrant wall a small window on each floor slightly
overlapped by the junction of the hall, and the upper blocked, and the
return wall of this wing has a large external chimney stack (finished with
tall rebuilt chimney), an inserted doorway and one mullioned window on each
floor to the rear of this. Rear has some similar recessed mullioned
windows and short gabled rear wing to hall range. Rectangular garden in
front, extended slightly to west, enclosed by wall c. one metre high, of
coursed rubble with quoins, chamfered dressed coping. Interior: east wing
has timber-framed lateral partition with large posts and rails making
square panels, in parlour to the front of this large chamfered beams on
moulded stone corbels; broadly chamfered pointed-Tudor-arched doorways on
both floors, including one at lst floor connecting with hall range; blocked
chamfered fireplace above parlour; hall range altered but housepart has
remains of elaborate plasterwork at east end including a herm, a lozenge
with date 1627, and a shield with initials C.I
(= Christopher and Susan Jackson); through-passage at west end; existence
of former inglenook with reredos to through-passage from porch and smoke
hood arched over this passage to gable chimney inferred from position of
firewindow, grooved beam on line of bressummer, and internal form of stone
cap to chimney at west gable. Reference RCHM p.173 et passim.
Listing NGR: SD8765932442
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Books and journals Pearson, S, Rural Houses of the Lancashire Pennines 1560-1760, (1985), 173
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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