669-1/1/109 (North side)
28/11/51 No.24 GV II Shop and house on corner site with Museum Street. C15, late
C16 rear addition, early C19 refronting and C20 rear addition.
Timber-framed and plastered, peg and clay tiled roof. 2
storeys and partial attic. Plan irregular rectangle of early L
form with substantial infilling phases in inner internal angle
and slight extension to N.
S elevation, to Church Street: to W, 2-window range, all
windows sashes with glazing bars, 4x4 panes, to E, first
floor, single C19 window similar to street range, C19 gable
barge-boards. Ground floor, full width C20 3-cant bay shop
window set under old jetty with remnants of C19 shop cornice
showing but cut away angle shafts, glazing bars, 4x4, 6x4, 4x4
panes. E end, boxed jetty projects. E elevation, to Museum
Street: long jettied run, cranked at three-quarters length
round street curve. Boxed jetty but 2 principal binding joists
project and building break seen in roof line at cranked
corner. Ground floor, S-N, end of C20 shop window, C19 6 flush
panel beaded door with adjacent 4x4 paned sash window. Second
similar C19 door with adjacent C20 3-light casement window
with rectangular leaded panes. Similar 2-light window towards
N end. First floor, central C20 top-opening 2-light casement
window. Blocked window at N and S ends with early C19 moulded
architraves but glazing bars and panes painted in. C18 stack
through roof pitch S of centre.
Rear N elevation: irregular early C19 and C20 additions. Early
L plan seen but whole second 2-storey parallel range added to
Church Street block in early C19 with large stack in junction
valley. Further C20 flat roofed ground floor addition with
2-storeyed narrow unit added to W wall of Museum Street range.
2 C20 further ground floor, flat roofed extensions to N end
gable wall. Windows irregular, one early C19 sash window in
contemporary addition, also 2 windows of same date in first
floor and attic of N end wall of E block, are 4x2 paned
sliding sash and 2x2 panes casement respectively. Other
windows all C20 casements, some with glazing bars, one with
leaded panes. 2 C20 plain doors, C20 back door with upper
glazing, glazing bars, 2x3 panes, lower panel.
INTERIOR: principal framing of long jettied range to Museum
Street has a dragon beam to turn the jetty corner to Church
Street with slender joists. Jetty of main Museum Street run
has late C16 diminished haunched soffit tenons with lamb's
tongue chamfer stops. Building break seen from street is not
apparent in joists. Junction of Church and Market Street
ranges has tension braced studding. Also, here and at S end of
Market Street range are 3 long splayed and under-squinted
scarf joints approx 0.90m long in wall plates. Heavy studding
with rear tension brace also seen on first floor at W end in
Church Street. Large fireplace opening on ground floor of
stack in C19 addition. Cellars run below all units, mainly C18
or early C19 brickwork with pink and yellow brick flooring. To
rear of Church Street, cellar wall of early C17 small bricks
containing 2 contemporary arched recesses. Stack seen on
ground floor at N end of Museum Street range of late C17
brickwork now has attached wooden surround, restored but
containing some early C17 decorated members. The early date
(C14) implied by the splayed scarf joints in the wallplates
may indicate an early origin, followed by rebuilding in the
later C16, hence the lack of break in floor joisting of that
time at an obvious building break seen in Museum Street. A
similar splayed scarf joint occurs in the Sun Inn complex (qv)
across the road which is of C14 build.
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