669-1/1/48 (South side)
01/11/72 No.2
Trinity House GV II House. c1700. Timber-framed, refronted in gault brick with
scored pointing, and enlarged c1840, small C20 additions and
minor internal alteration. Timber framing plastered, red brick
stacks, slate roof. Plan principally rectangular with ground
floor continuous rear addition with further similar addition
to S on W end. 3 storeys.
Front, N elevation: 3 bays having brick pilasters with strings
defining attic storey. Pilasters have upper recessed panels,
one now replaced by C20 2x3 paned casement window. Hipped roof
with pair of stacks on each E and W end wall. Central doorway,
restrained flat cornice hood, simple frieze, capitals and
bases, overlight, door has 6 recessed panels all windows have
stuccoed voussoirs, sashes with glazing bars, ground floor,
5x4 panes, first floor 3x4 panes, second attic floor 3x3
panes. Cellar grating in E bay. Rear, S elevation: plastered
framing, E end breaks forward on centre line. Ground floor,
flat, lead-roofed addition, W-E, French window, 2-leaf, 4x5
panes, fully glazed door, 2x5 panes with overlight, sash
window with glazing bars, 4x4 panes, second brick addition at
E end. W face, French window similar to other and 3-light C20
casement window. First floor, E and W outer window sashes with
moulded architraves, 4x4 panes, inserted central 4-centre
arched plain casement window. Second storey, sash window two
3x3 panes with moulded architraves, one central, 3x4, also,
small fixed C20 casement window E of centre. E end elevation:
gault brick return wall with pilasters from street, plastered
timber framing at S end, pair of stacks, conjoined by red
brickwork between. Lower wall now rendered but several phases
evident. W end elevation: similar to E end but masked by
adjoining property.
INTERIOR: essentially plain. The break in the rear wall and E
end irregularity suggests more than one phase of alteration to
the house plan and elevations.
Listing NGR: TL5366838641
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