876-1/6/13 (North side)
06/09/74 Nos.28 AND 28A
Wellsway (No.28), Hillside (No.28A),
& attached walls, railings and privy GV II House, now 2 dwellings. C17, refronted and internally
remodelled early C19.
MATERIALS: Ham Hill stone ashlar facade and coursed limestone
rubble to the rest; double-pitched, hipped slate roof with
brick stacks to each end of the ridge and to end walls.
PLAN: double-depth plan.
EXTERIOR: 2 storeys, symmetrical 5-window range. Flat stone
arches; first-floor windows are 3/6-pane sashes, those to the
ground floor are 6/6-panes, all in rendered reveals. The
central doorcase is Regency-style, with reeded jambs and
lintel, roundel-blocks to the corners, and a small projecting
cornice. No.28 (Wellsway) occupies the 2 bays to the right and
the right return, where there are three C20 windows to the
first floor, a C20 garage entrance to the far right, and to
the inside-right a c1840 six-panel door, glazed to the top 4
panels, with panelled reveals and a C20 porch.
INTERIOR of No.28A (Hillside) to the left has a stone-flagged
hall and an open-well, open-string staircase with a swept
mahogany rail, stick balusters and a turned newel to the rear;
above it is a margin-paned skylight with diagonal bars to the
centre. The ground floor has 6-panel doors with added reeded
moulding to the panels, some Regency-style fire surrounds with
late C19 grates to the ground floor and mid C19 cast-iron
arch-plate register grates and 4-panel doors to the first
floor. Stone steps lead to the cellar which is lias
stone-flagged with a drainage channel, 2 chamfered cross
beams, that to the right has wrought-iron hooks and rests on a
lower axial beam; the rear right-hand corner against No.28 has
a heavy chamfered beam supporting rough joists and wide
limewashed hardwood boards. An exposed roof truss to the right
has a king post with diagonal struts. (INTERIOR of No.28 not
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: A Ham Hill rubblestone revetment wall is
attached to the right (south-west) corner; level to the top,
it increases in height as it curves downhill to the left,
enclosing a front garden and supporting spearhead railings
with urn finials; double gates are close to the house, at the
base of steps up to garden level. A high Flemish-bond brick
wall, rubblestone to the outer face with Ham Hill stone
coping, is attached to the left-hand side of the house to
front and encloses a rear garden approx 30m square to the rear
right corner of which is a rubblestone privy.
Listing NGR: ST4393909874
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