901-1/13/865 (East side)
04/03/77 Nos.48-58 (Even)
and attached basement area railings
(Formerly Listed as:
Nos.46-58 (Even)) GV II Terrace of 6 houses. c1822. Render with limestone dressings,
brick party wall stacks and pantile mansard roof.
Double-depth plan. Late Georgian style. 3 storeys, attic and
basement; 2-window range, No.58 is 1 window, No.48 is 3
An irregular stepped terrace has a moulded coping, ramped up
between Nos 48-52. Right-hand doorways, left-hand to Nos 56 &
58, have consoles to open pediments, cornice to No.48, with
rectangular overlights, No.50 with 3 lozenge panes, and
6-panel doors; Nos 50 & 52 have wrought-iron lamp brackets.
Varied fenestration, originally 6/6-pane sashes: Nos 50 & 52
have late C19 tripartite ground-floor windows, Nos 48-54 have
shallow canted oriels, Nos 48 & 50 with timber pilaster jambs
and cornice and 8/8-pane and flanking 4/4-pane sashes. No.58
has a single storey left-hand extension. No.48 has first- and
second-floor balconies with pointed-arched railings and
quatrefoils, flat stanchions and second-floor tented roof.
Varied dormers.
INTERIOR: No.48, entrance hall divided by a semicircular arch
from a dogleg winder stair with uncut string, stick balusters,
column newels and ramped, banded rail; flagged basement with
vaulted cistern beneath, fire surrounds and rear kitchen;
timber fire surrounds, front first-floor room has cast-iron
hob grate and blue tiled back; 6-panel doors with brass
catches, and panelled shutters.
No.50 has panelled doors and shutters, panelled doors to
cupboards, cast-iron grates to fireplaces and early C19
staircase. Exceptionally complete kitchen of early C19 in
basement, with stone flag floor, built-in dresser with drawers
and cupboards, stone sink, pump and spitracks set above. Keyed
stone fireplace with cast-iron range flanked by copper to left
and bread oven with cast-iron door to right.
SUBSIDIARY FEATURES: varied front basement area wrought-iron
railings to Nos 48-54.
(Gomme A, Jenner M and Little B: Bristol, An Architectural
History: Bristol: 1979-: 204).
Listing NGR: ST5684872714
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Books and journals Gomme, A H, Jenner, M, Little, B D G, Bristol, An Architectural History, (1979), 204
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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