895-1/4/101 (North side)
16/07/49 Penn Hall GV II* House, now part of school. Late C17 with early to mid C18
alterations and additions; interior mostly early to mid C18.
Brick with ashlar dressings; hipped tile roof with brick
stacks. Probably an L-plan house converted to square, with
servants wing to right. Early Georgian style.2 storeys;
5-window range. Ashlar plinth and top cornice and stone-coped
parapet; quoins. Windows have rubbed brick flat arches over
12-pane sashes, some with thick glazing bars; 2 small lights
to right end. 2-storey porch with round-arched entrance and
angle pilasters, spandrels and broken segmental pediment with
late C19 sundial, architraved window above, top modillioned
pediment with heraldic cartouche. 2 cross-axial stacks, one
panelled. Left return symmetrical 7-window garden front has
similar details; 4 ball finials to parapet, windows have
keystones, 2 windows to 1st floor with altered glazing bars;
entrance has eared architrave, pediment and half-glazed door.
Rear has varied fenestration, some sashes with thick glazing
bars and canted oriel, former entrance to right end has angle
pilasters, frieze and consoled cornice; wing to left has
similar details, left end entrance with open pediment; right
return has gabled wing with hipped roof to left and rear wing
to right, window to hall with stained glass, other windows
sashed; rear wing has brick frieze and coped gable,
segmental-headed windows with leaded glazing to casements and
blocked entrance.
INTERIOR: entrance hall has panelling said to be from Church
of St Bartholomew (q.v.), bolection-moulded panels and dado
rail; late C19 fireplace with painted overmantel, doors with
architraves and cornices, moulded plaster ceiling. Cloakroom
has Delft tiles. Room to left has some panelling and
modillioned cornice, shell-vaulted niches and
bolection-moulded panel over fireplace; room to right of
garden front has egg and dart to cornice, Rococo fireplace
with egg-and-dart to architrave, tapering pilasters with
foliage and drops, enriched frieze and deep cornice; 2 doors
have eared architraves, enriched Rococo friezes and cornices.
Room to left has modillioned cornice, architraved windows,
dado rail, architraved doors with friezes and cornices, marble
fireplace with bolection-moulded architrave, frieze and
modillioned cornice, Delft tiles, overmantel painting. Stair
hall with bolection-moulded panelling, cornice and star vault
with rich plaster wreath to lantern, open stair well now
filled with C20 lift, some remaining twisted balusters to
landing. First floor has doors with one large over 4 small
panels; room with C17 panelling and moulded plaster frieze and
ceiling, some re-used panelling, including linenfold, to
A good example of an early to mid C18 house, one of several in
the borough, with fine interior features.
(The Buildings of England: Pevsner N: Staffordshire: London:
1974-: P.323-4).
Listing NGR: SO8910395402
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, The Buildings of England: Staffordshire, (1974), 323-324
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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