11/32 Church of St. Mary
18/07/63 GV I
Church. Early C13, early C14 chancel: C15 and C18 alterations. Coursed limestone
rubble with ashlar dressings; late C19 and C20 gabled tile roof. Chancel, aisled
nave, west tower. Chancel has offset buttresses, 3-light Decorated east window
and 2-light windows in 2-bay side walls: south wall also has central pointed
moulded priest's door, and C16 chamfered light. 3-bay north aisle has late C15
three-light windows, early C14 two-light window in west end and C13 pointed
moulded doorway. South aisle, crenellated in late C15, has similar early C14
window in east end, similar late C15 windows and late C15 porch with 4-light
wood-mullioned window over 4-centred moulded doorway: early C14 pointed moulded
south doorway. 3-stage tower (spire collapsed 1727) has early C13 pointed
chamfered doorway to C18 studded door, early C13 two-light window, second-stage
C18 round window, and C13 third- stage 2-light Y-tracery windows: C18
crenellated parapet with pinnacles. Interior: chancel has Decorated piscina and
sedilia, studded priest's door with early C14 wrought-iron hinges; and plain
aumbry and recesses. Complete sequences of fine early C14 wall paintings depict
Last Judgement and Life of the Virgin to south, Tree of Jesse and the Life of
Christ to north, and, on the east wall, the Assumption and Coronation of the
Virgin and the Ascension, Resurrection and Descent into Hell; splays of windows
depict figures of the Saints. Brasses to Reginald Barantyn, d.1441, and Hugh
Barantyn with wives Joan (d.1446) and Lady Beatrice. Baroque memorial to Rev.
Francis Markham, d.1668, has garlanded cartouche with angels supporting coat of
arms; early C19 memorial tablet to wife of Rev. John Lewis from Ireland. Late
C17 communion rail of barley-sugar balusters at chancel entry. Early C14 chancel
arch. Nave has early C13 four-bay south arcade of small pointed arch and
roll-moulded Transitional arches on circular piers with water-leaf capitals:
early C13 three-bay north arcade has chamfered Transitional arches on circular
piers with moulded and foliate capitals. C18 memorial tablet ta Adeane family
above Jacobean pulpit. Font of c.1660-70 set on barley-sugar stem. Painted
memorial mural to Robert Quatremaine, d.1697. Four-bay arch-braced collar-truss
roof with curved windbraces. South aisle has C13 piscina. North aisle has squint
to chancel, early C14 wall painting north of east window, slate memorial tablet
to Benedict Winchcombe, d. 1623, depicting his family, and 2 boards
commemorating local charities. Parish chest dated TK 1674 FG next to north door.
Stained glass; 2 similar quarries of angel 5 heads at head of east-bay window of
north aisle. The early C14 paintings in the chancel are amoung the best
preserved in the country.
(Buildings of England: Oxfordshire, pp.525-6; E.T.Long, Medieval Wall Paintings
in Oxfordshire Churches, Oxonensia, Vol. XXXVII, 1972, pp.86-108; E.W. Tristram,
English Medieval Wall Paintings (The Fourteenth Century) 1954, pp.153-5;
National Monuments Record).
Listing NGR: SU6371496558
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, Sherwood, J, The Buildings of England: Oxfordshire, (1974), 525-526 Tristram, W O, Coaching Days and Coaching Ways, (1888), 153-5 'Oxoniensia' in Oxoniensia, , Vol. 37, (1972), 86-108
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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