TM 0771
6/56 Holm Oak House (formerly
29.7.55 listed as Rushgreen
Farmhouse and Dairy wing) GV II House. Mid C16 with C15 origins possible, altered and extended c.1600,
altered early C19. Timber frame, plastered. Thatched roof. Possible open
hall origins, 4 unequal bays probably with a smoke hood in large upper bay,
stack and 2 bay parlour added. 2 storeys. Ground floor: main entrance at
lower end of hall with a c.1800 part glazed and part raised 6 panelled door,
Doric doorcase with fluted pilasters, entablature and pediment; to left in
original cross entry position a second recessed raised 6 panelled door, shaped
brackets to simple hood; 2 and 3-light glazing bar casements with hoodboards,
some metal frames. First floor dual 3-light part opening casements over hall,
flanking part opening 4-light casements. Axial ridge stack between hall and
parlour has chamfered arrises. Left end secondary hip to roof with a C19
external stack with oven outshuts. To rear a boarded cross entry door, 3-
light metal frame casements and on first floor over parlour an C18 ovolo
mullioned 4-light lattice leaded window. Extending behind service bay a low 1
storey and attic C18 backhouse with exposed plates and purlins. Interior:
cross entry in broad bay with reset late C17 panelling from a screen, a
chamfered 4 centred arched doorway into service bay, original stairs to rear
of service bay, exposed studding of large scantling. Hall has chamfered cross
axial binding beams, joists, storey posts and fireplace bressumer, traces of
diamond mullioned window openings. Added stack bay has rectangular mullioned
2-light window openings. Parlour has close studding, stop chamfered cross
axial binding beam, joists and fireplace bressumer, recessed ovolo mullioned
3-light window openings. First floor: reverse cranked and reverse curved
arched braces in walling, cranked arched braces to cambered tie beams, towards
upper end of hall chamber a truss to presumed smoke hood has been removed,
inserted stop chamfered axial binding beams; parlour chamber has cranked
arched braces in walling, stop chamfered cross axial binding beam. Queen post
roof over 4 early bays, cambered collars, longitudinal arched braces; parlour
roof has butt purlins with arched windbraces.
Listing NGR: TM0725071018
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