SP 87 NW
(south side)
5/18 Cransley Hall
Small country house. Built for Henry Robinson 1677. South and east
fronts, 1708. Bay window to south front c 1800. C19 additions. Squared
ironstone with limestone dressings and Collyweston and Welsh slate
hipped roof. Plinth, moulded first floor band, deeply moulded modillioned
eaves cornice. Grouped coped stone ridge and side wall stacks. Square
plan with central light well. 2 storeys plus attics. 7 X 5 bays.
Principal east front has 7-window range of 12/12 sashes with projecting
bolection-moulded ashlar surrounds, and above, 4 slate hung pedimented
dormers each with a 2-light glazing bar casement. Off-centre 2-storey
ashlar projecting bay has chamfered quoins. Moulded ashlar doorcase had
segmental pediment containing a crest and a 2-panel fielded door with
overlight. To the right, a late C19 billiard room with a canted end
with 3 sashes. South garden front is a similar 5-window range with 2-
storey bay window with 3 glazing bar sashes. Windows have moulded
surrounds with keystones. Central gabled dormer. West front is a
similar 4-window range with an off-centre ashlar doorcase with Doric
piers and a segmental pediment. Above it a tablet with a crest. Windows
have moulded surrounds with keystones. 4 pedimented dormers, each with
an asymmetrical sliding sash. Beyond, to the left, a C19 2-storey 3
window range in matching style, with half-glazed door. To the far left, a
lean-to outbuilding and a flat roofed stone addition with casements.
North side has a projecting 2-bay service range with a half-glazed C19
door and overlight, flanked to right by a glazing bar sash, both with
keystones. 2 casements above. To the left, billiard room with 2 sashes.
To the right, a setback kitchen range with 3 sashes and a 2-light
casement. Casements above. To right again, an ironstone and brick
kitchen yard wall with slab coping, containing a gateway and 2 casements.
Interior: entrance hall has an early C19 moulded wood cantilevered
staircase with matching shaped landing balustrade, turned balusters and
scrolled ramped handrail. Dining room has good quality mid-C18
plasterwork with shaped festooned wall panels, deep modillioned frieze
and overmantel with acanthus scrolls and open segmental pediment
containing a basket of fruit. The south wall has a central moulded
bracketed and pedimented doorcase with a 2-panel door. Central corridor
has a large semicircular recess containing a moulded doorcase leading to
the drawing room. This has reeded Ionic corner pilasters, festooned
reeded wall panels, foliate moulded cornice, and a pair of Ionic pilaster
piers to the bay window. Classical marble fireplace with a wreathed
wooden frieze and cornice, flanked by single fitted cupboards with
moulded architraves. North wall has a central C18 doorcase with eared
architrave, scroll brackets and oakleaf frieze. Plaster panelled music
room has fireplace with flanking Ionic pilasters. To its left, a moulded
round headed archway, now blocked, and beyond, a moulded round headed
doorway. Billiard room has half-height oak panelling c 1890 and a wide
tapestry frieze. Coffered ceiling. Breakfast room has full height oak
panelling c 1890, with late C18 basket grate in bracketed reeded oak
surround with ornamental panel. Cransley Hall was built for Henry
Robinson of Cransley, and passed to the Rose family in 1791, remaining in
their hands till 1904.
Sources: Pevsner
J Gotch
Listing NGR: SP8288876605
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Books and journals Gotch, J A , Squires Homes and Other Old Buildings of Northamptonshire, (1939), 18 Pevsner, N, Cherry, B, The Buildings of England: Northamptonshire, (1973)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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