1264-0/2/103 (North side)
31/01/67 Range of farm outbuildings to the
north and north-west of Cutthorpe
(Formerly Listed as:
Outbuildings at Cutthorpe Hall) GV II Farm outbuildings. Early C17 with C18 alterations. Rubble Coal
Measures Sandstone, partially quoined, and originally with
stone slate roof coverings, now replaced in part with plain
and decorative tile, and Welsh slate. The group comprises a
parallel pair of single-storey outbuildings with overlofts,
the western range having a cross-wing extending further west
at its southern end, both ranges divided by a rectangular
courtyard, closed at its northern end by a double-pile
single-storey entrance shed, and at the southern end by a
stone wall which divides the farm courtyard from the grounds
of Cutthorpe Hall (qv). The western range has 3 single
doorways and a full-height double doorway to its east
elevation, together with two C18 two-light flush mullioned
windows stacked at its south end, which forms part of the
cross-wing extending westwards, and which has further 2-light
flush-mullioned windows, and a stone framed doorway on its
southern elevation.
INTERIOR: the building has a 6-bay roof with C17 collar and
tie-beam trusses carrying single side purlins and a diagonally
set ridge purlin. The trusses were formerly wind-braced, with
a small number of braces surviving. The west elevation of the
east range has 5 plain doorways, and 2 ground-floor windows.
Doors, where they exist, are plainly boarded. The building is
single-storeyed with overlofts, and 5 roof trusses, 2 of which
are coupled at the centre of the range, each with their
purlins ending at their bearing on the truss. The trusses
support single side purlins and diagonally set ridge purlins,
and the 2 southern trusses have queen struts with collars. The
centre truss has only a collar, and the 2 northern trusses
have only queen struts. The purlins rest on oak bearers within
the gables. The carpentry is competant, with well-formed
splayed scarf joints to purlins and wallplate. Many oak
rafters survive.
There is a lower single-storey single-bay shed with double
boarded doors at the north end of the eastern range. Linking
the 2 parallel ranges is a simple single-storey link building,
with a double-width opening supported by an oak lintel beam.
The range of outbuildings is listed for Group Value.
Listing NGR: SK3448473073
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