723-1/13/180 (East side)
20/02/76 No.11
Green Man Inn
(Formerly Listed as:
Green Man Inn)
Public house. C17, C19, C20. Timber-framing and brick, hipped
roofs, slate to front, tile to rear.
EXTERIOR: 2 storey, double depth with rectangular block to
street and parallel rear block of irregular units. Front, W
elevation, 3 bayed, timber-framed central block with ground
floor, C20 lean-tos at N and S ends. Upper facade has C20
pargeting, with lower plain rendering. All windows on this
elevation are C20 casements with glazing bars. Ground-floor
central triple window, 2x4, 4x4, 2x4 panes and on each side a
triple window, 2x4, 2x4, 2x4 panes. First floor, 3 windows,
each 4x4 panes. C20 boarded door in N out-shut, similar door
at S end of centre block. S lean-to has similar window to
rest, 4x4 panes. Tall stack emerges from roof pitch. N lean-to
has additional C20 flat roofed ground-floor extension set back
with window, 2x4 panes and a tall stack on the N side. Rear, E
elevation irregular, with C19 2-storeyed yellow brick wing
with hipped clay tiled roof, ground floor has segment headed
doorway with boarded double doors to cellar. First floor C19
sash window, 2x2 panes, sashes renewed, C19 stack to S side.
To N clay tiled roof or rear block runs down to C19 ground
floor yellow brick wall with segment headed window and two C20
casements, adjacent C20 door and 2x2 casement window under
single segment headed opening. Door has upper glazing and
lower recessed panel. To N, stack at roof apex. Attached to N,
and projecting, is No.13 (qv). To S end of range, C19 ground
floor red brick unit with high peg-tiled roof, single C19
3-light casement window with beaded frame, each light of 2
panes. At S end simple yellow brick C20 ground-floor extension
with C20 clay tiles and two C20 sash windows. S end elevation,
front W block, C20 ground-floor 3-cant bay window, each window
has a mullion and transom with leaded stained glass. To E, C20
addition, rendered and in yellow brick with clay tiled roof.
C20 door with upper glazing, 2x3 panes and 2 simple casement
windows. N elevation, C20 single storeyed rendered extension,
central stack and 2 windows with mullion and transom, leaded
stained glass as on S end. To E, narrow yard, weatherboarded
with two C19 windows with bead decoration and C20 3-light
window with leaded stained glass, similar to S end bay window.
NE angle, No.13 attached.
INTERIOR: mostly re-worked but central rear wing cased in C19
yellow brick has C17 timber-framed core with lamb's tongue
chamfer stopped binding joist, primary bracing and a face
halved and bladed scarf joint. This block, together with the
rebuilt brick unit on the N side appear to retain the
cross-wing and hall elements of a H hall house whose N end
cross-wing is No.13. A photograph of 1915 shows the W front
without the lean-tos at the N and S ends. They were probably
added c1920. On another photograph of 1945 they are present.
The Green Man Inn and Nos.13-29 odd (qv) form a group.
Listing NGR: TQ6295491213