619-1/5/174 (North East side)
19/05/71 Nos.17 & 19
Old King's Arms public house GV II House and public house, now shop and public house. Mid C18 and
early C18, altered mid C19 and late C20. Brick with stone and
stucco dressings and pantile roofs. Cogged eaves, single coped
gable, 2 gable and single ridge stacks. Shop, to left, 2
storeys, has a 3 window range of C20 casements with rubbed
brick heads. Below, a wooden shopfront, 1989, in late C19
style, with recessed central door flanked by single plate
glass windows under full width fascia. Rear wing has cogged
eaves and coped gables. 3 storeys; 3 window range of segment
headed glazing bar sashes, and above, 3 similar sashes with
flat heads. Public house, to right, has a stucco ground floor,
plinth and first floor band. 2 storeys plus attics; 6 window
range of glazing bar sashes with rubbed brick heads, the end
windows being blank. Between the fourth and fifth windows from
the left, the royal Arms in cast iron, with a corniced
Classical surround. Above, 2 raking dormers with glazing bar
Yorkshire sashes. Below the royal Arms, a moulded stone
doorcase with cornice and C19 half glazed door, flanked by 2
plain sashes with chamfered openings and keystones. To left, a
segment headed carriage opening with keysone and imposts and a
plate inscribed "Paxton's Yard". Colourwashed brick rear wing,
C18, 2 storeys, 3 window range, has rendered gable and brick
addition, 1989.
(Buildings of England: N Pevsner, revised E Williamson:
Nottinghamshire: Harmondsworth: 1979-: 196).
Listing NGR: SK7982854069
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Books and journals Williamson, E, The Buildings of England: Nottinghamshire, (1979), 196
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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