669-1/1/117 (South side)
01/11/72 Nos.35 AND 37 GV II 2 houses, now partly offices. Early C19 with C20 re-working
and several rear additions. Gault brick and stucco, slate
roofs. Rectangular plan of street range with rear courts now
mainly infilled. 3 storey and cellars. N front elevation: long
4 bayed block with plain giant pilasters, breaks forward from
essentially single bay range at W end, hipped roofs. Property
break however at 3/4 bay from E on double width pilasters,
stuccoed to W (No.35), gault brick to E (No.37). Painted
voussoired lintels. Ground floor, E-W, 2 C20 shallow 3-cant
bay windows with doorway between. Windows have RSJ lintels and
concrete sills, sashes, 2x4,3x4,2x4 panes. Cellar grilles
below. Doorway round headed with overlight, C20 4-panelled
door. Early C19 sash window, glazing bars, 5x3 panes plus
upper radiate bars. Plain doorway with overlight, `lozenge'
glazing bars, sash window with glazing bars, 3x4 panes. Arched
entry to passageway leading to rear of No.33 (qv). First
floor, E-W, six 3x4 paned sash windows (2 in final bay).
Second floor, 5 similar windows evenly spaced. Rear S
elevation: No.35 has gable, No.37 red brick with multiple
INTERIOR: No.37, all C20, subdivided for office use, cellar of
flint cobble and brick with rear fireplace.
Listing NGR: TL5392238645
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