1315-0/15/175 (East side (off))
Former stables 70m north-west of
Harlaxton Manor and adjoining screen
II Also known as: Manor Cottages GRANTHAM ROAD.
Stables, now university residences, and adjoining screen wall.
c1838-1844, altered late C20. Probably by William Burn for
Gregory Gregory. Ashlar with gabled and hipped slate roofs.
Renaissance Revival style. Plinth, modillion eaves, shaped
coped gables. 9 x 9 bays. U-plan, with a forecourt enclosed by
a screen wall.
Central 2 storey square tower porch, 3 bays, with moulded
cornices to each floor and coped parapet with central shaped
gable and ball finials. The bays are divided by pilasters.
Depressed 4-centred arched opening flanked by rusticated
niches, all with keystones. Shouldered round arched doorway
with keystone, flanked by similar niches. C20 door with
sidelights and overlight.
Around the forecourt, single storey ranges with attics and
splayed corner entrances. The attics have dormers supported by
volutes, mainly with flat tops, and with round tops above the
entrances. South-west side has 3 blocked carriage openings.
Screen wall has a central pair of square gatepiers with
rusticated double pilasters, flanked by round arched arcades
with plinth and moulded coping. On either side, a projecting
shouldered ogee gable with kneelers and ball finials, hopped
with a coped stack with square double flues. On each floor, a
6-light stone mullioned cross casement with cornice, those to
the right gable mainly blocked. The left gable has 4 smaller
windows flanking the lower window. On the inner sides of the
gables, a slightly recessed bay with a flat topped dormer,
each with different fenestration.
Buttressed rear elevation, 2 storeys plus basement and attics,
has a projecting 3 storey tower porch with shaped gables and
parapet with corner pedestals, all with finials. First floor
ashlar balcony on brackets, flanked by 6-light cross
casements, with traceried round windows above them. Above, a
loft door with projecting surround and bracketed cornice.
Below, a shouldered arched carriage opening. On either side,
regular fenestration, mostly renewed. At each end, a pair of
shouldered round arched dormers with finials and round windows
with 4 keystones. Buttressed left return has a projecting
3-bay centre with a round arched carriage opening flanked by
doors with traceried round overlights.
(The Buildings of England: Pevsner N, Harris J & Antram N:
Lincolnshire: London: 1964-1989: 367).
Listing NGR: SK8946932458
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, Harris, J, Antram, N, The Buildings of England: Lincolnshire, (1989), 367Other Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England, Part 27 Lincolnshire,
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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