SE 22 SW West Town
Crow Nest House
in Crow Nest Park G.V. II
Large house. Early C18. Ashlar with rusticated quoins. Hipped,
bitumen covered roof with ashlar stacks. Three storeys, 5 bays,
the centre 3 crowned by pediment. Sash windows in architraves.
Central door with deep rectangular fanlight, architrave, pulvinated
frieze and cornice. Band over ground floor. To the left and
right is a single bay addition, facade only, of 2 storeys, with
cornice and blocking course. The one to right has been built
behind. (Later additions further to right, not included in the
item.) Later 5-light canted bay to left side, and recent extension.
Rear elevation has central door with staircase window over. To
right, one 8-light mullioned and transomed window with king mullion,
and to left a later canted bay. To 1st floor two 10-light mullioned
and transomed window, all double chamfered and with hood mould. Three
sashes to 2nd floor. Interior: central staircase in fourflights, with corniced treads,
ramped, deep-moulded wooden rail, turned and carved balusters with
gadrooning typical of work of 'York School of carvers'. Slightly
simpler detailing to upper flights. Panelled, ramped staircase
dado. Original panelling to two 1st floor rooms consisting of tall
single, moulded raised panels above a dado. In one room the over-
mantel breaks into the ceiling cornice consisting of a cyma moulding
with leaf enrichment. The fireplace is marble of early C19 date.
In the other room the fireplace is C19 set at an angle. 6-panel doors,
one in walnut, though many are C19 replacements. Downstairs
decoration appears to be mainly C19 with pedimented doorcases,
panelled shutters, and panelled main ceiling.
N. Pevsner, The Buildings of England, 1967.
Listing NGR: SE2335421331
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, Radcliffe, E, The Buildings of England: Yorkshire: The West Riding, (1967)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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