(north side) 6/73 F J Chalke (Talbot
Garage) GV II the list entry shall be amended to read ST 8032-8132 SALISBURY STREET
(north side) 6/73 House adjoining east
of Potters Croft GV II House in street row. Late C19. Coursed and squared limestone, ashlar dressings
and flush quoins, plain tile roof. Two storeys and attic; ground floor has two
12-pane sashes, and, left of each, a door: left end to flush 4-panel under margin
bar transom light, centre is 4-panel fielded under similar transom light. At
first floor two canted oriels with lead cappings on stone base with 2 carved
brackets, 4:8:4-pane glazing bar casements, flanking central 12-pane sash. Two
2-light hipped dormers, centred over oriels; one has decorative tile cresting.
Moulded eaves cornice, large brick stack right. Left return, above adjacent roof,
slate hung; right return rendered. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(north side) 6/73 F J Chalke (Talbot
Garage) GV II House in street row. Late C19. Coursed and squared limestone, ashlar dressings
and flush quoins, plain tile roof. Two storeys and attic; ground floor has two
12-pane sashes, and, left of each, a door: left end to flush 4-panel under
margin bar transom light, centre is 4-panel fielded under similar transom
light. At first floor two canted oriels with lead cappings on stone base with 2
carved brackets, 4:8:4-pane glazing bar casements, flanking central 12-pane
sash. Two 2-light hipped dormers, centred over oriels; one has decorative tile
cresting. Moulded eaves cornice, large brick stack right. Left return, above
adjacent roof, slate hung; right return rendered - earlier building removed from
here, replaced by C20 garage, not of special interest. Although of late date,
this is a careful urban design, now making an important stop to this part of the
Listing NGR: ST8140032421
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