SP 03 SE
4/137 Wood Stanway House
House. Early C18, extended C19, early C.20. Well-squared,
coursed stone centre, less well squared otherwise; stone slate
roof. Two-window, 2 1/2 storey, 2-room deep centre, single-storey,
one room wing on left, 2-window, 2-storey wing on right, with rear
extension. Front at right angles to road: centre, fully-glazed
door, moulded timber surround and pediment. Either side plinth, 2
closely-spaced sash windows, large projecting keystones with
moulded caps to flat stone heads, right pair with wide glazing
bars. Plain string course, two 24-pane sashes, wide glazing bars,
flat stone heads with projecting keystone. Two gabled dormers, 2-
light casements; parapet gables with ashlar ridge chimneys,
moulded caps. On left, large canted bay on wing, flat roof,
tripartite sash over panelling; parapet gable and ridge chimney
left end. Right wing, 5-light mullion window, two 2-light mullion
above; parapet gable and ridge chimney. Greenhouse on right
infilling angle to rear wing not of special interest. As right
gable of main block slightly oversails right wing latter probably
replaces earlier range. Forms group with Wood Stanway Farmhouse,
Listing NGR: SP0632031279
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