SZ 0382 STUDLAND MANOR ROAD (East Side) 8/86 The Manor House - II Country house now used as hotel. Built 1825 as a "marine villa" for the
Rt. Hon. George Bankes (Pevsner) and enlarged several times in C19.
Roughcast walls, stone slate roof, part gabled, part hipped, of irregular
outline and broken by turrets. Plastered stacks, some with stone caps with
quatrefoil panels. In picturesque style. Irregular plan. Part one-storey
and attic, part 2-storey; part 2-storey and attic. All windows with diamond
pattern lead lights. On main entrance front, right-hand section has a
projecting canted bay with hipped roof. Single-light windows on ground floor.
On first floor, each face has a projecting curved-headed window, under
bracketed gables. Left of the bay, on ground floor, flat-roofed porch with
oak doors under stone gable with coat of arms. On first floor a gabled
window as in the bay. Right of the bay, on ground floor, lean-to projection
with 2-light curved headed window. On first floor a gabled window as in the
bay. Left of this block, a lower link building with a 3-light curved-headed
window on ground floor and, on first floor a gabled window as in the bay.
Left of this a taller canted bay, with hipped roof, of 2 storeys and attic.
This has, on ground floor, a 3-light mullioned window flanked by cross-pattern
mullioned and transomed windows. On first floor, 3 curved-headed mullioned
and transomed windows. One hipped dormer in attic. Left of this a circular
tower with inset carved traceried panel. Left of this various lower additions,
some with lean-to roofs, some with flat roofs,and including lower part of a
second tower. Internally, a re-set C18 stair with barley sugar balusters
and carved spandrils. Re-set C18 fireplace on first floor. Gothic style
plaster vaulted ceiling in one first floor room. Various sections of C17
carved panelling - re-set. A National Trust property. RCHM Monument 16.
(Dorset Vol. II). See also Pevsner. "Buildings of England, Dorset".
Listing NGR: SZ0366082689
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Books and journals Inventory of Dorset, (1970)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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