SO 92 SW
7/3 Withybridge Mill and adjoining barn
Barn and corn mill. C17, early C19 mill. Barn timber-framed,
faced wany-edge weatherboarding, on low stone plinth, corrugated-
iron roof; mill Flemish-bond brickwork, tiled roof. Five-bay
barn, mill single-bay, off-centre wing, 2½ storeys. Towards road,
gable of barn left, boarded door on left up 2 steps; set back on
right mill, boarded door left, unglazed window with bars, both with
cambered brick arches. Above window, cambered brick arch, boarded
stable door to eaves on right. Gabled dormer, cheeks faced with slate.
Left return barn plinth partly faced concrete: double doorway
centre, to eaves, boarded door on left.
Interior: Framing 3 panels high, long braces to corner posts in
gable and side walls at road end; brace posts to tie-beam in outer
trusses; cross sill on road side of threshing floor with centre
post and long braces to main posts, queen-strut trusses, some
struts missing. Half away from road, inserted loft, wooden trough
for cattle with feeding passage, door each end. Barn wall partly
removed on ground floor against mill, flywheel over. Interior mill
not inspected, but wheel survives, also 2 casings for millstones.
Mill added to barn, end of barn altered for cowhousing, possibly
Listing NGR: SO9052124647
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