(north-west side)
2/299 Old Tan
House. Late C15 and early C16, altered in C19. Timber framed, plastered with
some exposed framing, roofed with handmade red plain tiles. Main range of 3
bays facing SE, early C16, with mid-C16 stack in left bay. 2-bay crosswing to
left, late C15, surviving from an earlier hall house, with structural break
between this and main range. 2 C19 gabled wings to rear with C18 catslide
extension between them. 2 storeys. Ground floor, 5 C20 casements. First
floor, 4 C20 casements. C20 door. Full-length jetty, with exposed joists on
main range, lower and fully plastered on crosswing. Some exposed framing below
jetty, mostly replacement studding; at left corner of crosswing, one-half of a
4-centred doorhead is exposed externally and internally. Empty mortices for
missing braces below jetty. Roof hipped at both ends (rebuilt over crosswing to
align with roof of main range). 4 C19 shafts in Tudor Revival style, on
truncated C16 octagonal shafts; sunk panel in front of stack inscribed 'O.N.O.
MDCCCLV'. 2 similar C19 shafts on external stack at right end. The rear
elevation is of red brick in Flemish bond. In the left return some heavy
studding is exposed, with a curved tension brace trenched to the outside.
Jowled posts in both builds. The studded ground-floor partition between the
right (parlour) bay and the middle bay has been removed, and a modern wall
inserted. In these bays are chamfered axial beams, unstopped, and plain joists
of horizontal section jointed to them with soffit tenons with diminished
haunches. Between the middle and fire bay is a chamfered binding beam with step
stops; the wallposts supporting it are ledged and similarly chamfered and
stopped. The wood-burning hearth is of exceptional size, 3.05 metres wide, with
jambs 0.50 metre wide, and a mitred mantel beam; small recess in front of left
jamb, large recess inside right jamb; semi-circular stone fireback, cracked,
possibly a glacial erratic, incorporated in the brickwork, a rare feature
meriting special care. Grooves for sliding shutters at front and back at both
storeys. In the rear wall, exposed within the lean-to extension, is a blocked
doorway with 4-centred head to the left of the main hearth, heavy studding with
'Suffolk' bracing, and some wattle and daub infill; in the upper storey, a late
C16 inserted window of early glazed type with 2 plain rectangular mullions and 3
diamond saddle bars. The tiebeam and chamfered square crownpost between the
middle and fire bays has been moved approximately 0.50 metre to the left to abut
on the stack, the jowls and arched braces to it removed. The original axial
brace to the crownpost has been re-used in the front pitch of the roof, and
replaced by a long straight brace. The original crownpost roof of this main
range is otherwise intact, with arched axial braces approximately 25mm thick.
The first-floor hearth has a 4-centred brick arch and chamfered jambs which
include some stone (probably re-used) with mutilated lamb's tongue stops.
Apparently this range was built with a timber-framed chimney and cross-entry in
the left bay, replaced by a brick stack with one hearth c.1550, and a first-
floor hearth inserted c.1600. The ground-floor hearth facing the earlier
crosswing has a rebuilt brick arch, and the storey post has been severed above
it. The plan of the crosswing is unusual, with a blocked doorway at front left,
and in the binding beam mortices and triangular groove for a former partition
with gaps at each end. Plain joists of horizontal section are jointed to it
with unrefined soffit tenons. Edge-halved and bridled scarf in left wallplate.
One of 2 arched braces to the cambered central tiebeam. The roof is rebuilt in
softwood. RCHM 8.
Listing NGR: TL8053825208