SX 74 NW
5/130 The Old Rectory
- II Rectory, now house. Mid C18 with C19 modifications. Mainly slate-stone, but
rendered north wall and slate-hung south wall, slate roof, brick or rendered
stacks. A grand symmetrical central staircase-hall plan, hipped roof has internal
gutters; the house was an early to mid-C18 design, with some substantial
alterations to interior, and some external modification, in the early C19. Two
storeys, attic, and basement which emerges at the back at near ground level
through fall in the ground level. Front is 5 bay, all 12-pane sashes with face
boxes, at ground floor to splayed voussoirs and keystone; central door with
side-lights divided by slender fluted pilasters, lights and door with elongated
octagon 'tracery' in upper two-thirds. Plain string above voussoirs. Right
return contains one inserted glazed door; main garden front in 2:1:2 windows, all
12-pane sash, including mid-height stair window, but to left is large C19 12:12:
12-pane sashed oriel bow embracing two original window openings. A slight offset
at basement level, under the oriel are two 2-light glazing bar casements with
security bars, and a broad plank door, centre to basement. Left return has added
one storey wing, not of special interest, with entrance door. Large brick stacks
towards rear. Interior slopes of roof contain 3 small original dormer windows.
Interior: room to right of entrance hall retains much C18 work, including
doorcase with pulvinated frieze and cornice with egg-and-dart enrichment: to left
is library, with good early C19 built-in bookcase at hall side with delicate
pilaster divisions. Entrance and stair hall with panelled doors, and original
dog-leg stair with cut string, and 3 formed balusters to tread; flued Doric
newels, and mahogany handrail, otherwise all painted. Stair goes through bolt
floors. Upper floor also panelled doors, some with fielded panels, and including
one 3-panelled fielded to ... hinges. Panelled shutters. Basement has a very
large open fireplace with bold lintel in voussoirs with keystone, some cobbled
flooring and a broad straight flight of stone steps rising to the north end, but
now floored over.
Listing NGR: SX7382948743
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