TQ 89 NW
(south side)
Great Hayes Farmhouse
House. C16 or earlier, altered in C18, C19 and C20. Timber framed, plastered
with some exposed framing, and facade of red brick in Flemish bond, roofed
mainly with slate, some handmade red clay tiles. Complex plan comprising 4
blocks of different dates: (1) 2-bay building aligned N-S, jettied to the N, C16
or earlier (possibly the crosswing of a medieval hall house of which the
remainder has been demolished), the roof rebuilt in the early C19, (2) to S of
it, an C18 or early C19 extension with an axial stack at the junction, (3) to E
of (1), early C16 2-bay building aligned N-S, jettied to the N, (4) early C19
entrance range to the W of (1) and (2), facing W, with an internal stack in each
return. (1) is of 2 storeys with an attic, the remainder is of 2 storeys. W
facade of brick, late C19, with 2 full-height square bays, and a central
entrance. The windows have been altered to C20 small-pane sashes, 4 on the
ground floor and 5 on the first floor. C20 door. (Late C19 gabled porch
demolished). Slated roof of shallow pitch. The N elevation is more complex; it
was the front originally. Block (3) has 2 exposed brackets below the jetty,
exposed close studding above the jetty, and jowled posts, with 'Suffolk' tension
bracing trenched to the outside, and a tiled hipped roof, partly or wholly
rebuilt. Block (1) has a central beam of heavy section projecting in the middle
of the jetty, with an exposed bracket on the upper storey, an early C19 sash of
16 lights with crown glass, and a slated hipped roof of shallow pitch.
Otherwise, scattered fenestration, late C19 and C20. Block (1) has chamfered
axial and transverse beams with step stops, joists plastered to the soffits.
Block (3) has a chamfered binding beam and plain joists of horizontal section
jointed to it with soffit tenons with diminished haunches (upper storey and roof
not examined). Block (2) has a large wood-burning hearth, a chamfered axial
beam with runout stops, and some exposed studding with primary straight bracing.
Other structural features plastered over. The entrance hall has the original
stair with wreathed handrail and stick balusters. The N stack of this range has
been altered at the ground floor. The name derives from Robert de la Haye, 1248
(C.H. Reaney, Place Names of Essex, 1935, 229). The Hearth Tax assessment of
1662 records 4 hearths. Manor house.
Listing NGR: TQ8344098366