C17 house with early-C19 frontage. The ground-floor shopfront is a late-C20 insertion. C19 and C20 alterations.
Reasons for Designation
10 Fore Street is listed at Grade II for the following principal reasons: Architectural interest: * as an example of a C17 house that was re-fronted in the C19. Historic interest: * for its contribution to our understanding of the development of Cullompton in the C17. Group value: * for its group value with the Grade II-listed 12 Fore Street, with which it formed a single building in the late C19, both retaining the pilaster and console bracket of the late C19 shopfront that spanned the two buildings.
10 Fore Street has origins as a C17 house. It was re-fronted in the early C19 and is shown on the 1831 map of Cullompton by RP Davy with a narrow passage between it and 12 Fore Street to the south, providing access to the rear range. By the late C19, as shown on the 1889 Ordnance Survey map, 10 and 12 Fore Street had been amalgamated to form a single building. A new shopfront was created across the frontage and a pilaster with a console bracket above survives to the outer corners of both 10 and 12 Fore Street. By the late C20, they had been re-divided into two separate shop units; the shopfronts are late-C20 insertions. The passage had been retained internally and continues to provide access to Hungerford Court to the rear of 10 Fore Street.
C17 house with early-C19 frontage. The ground-floor shopfront is a late-C20 insertion. C19 and C20 alterations. MATERIALS: the principal elevation is rendered, and the gable-end roof is covered with slate tiles. PLAN: a ground-floor shop unit, with flats above, and a rear range. EXTERIOR: a three-storey, two-bay façade, with attic accommodation and a ground-floor shopfront. The partly-recessed ground floor comprises a late-C20 multi-pane window flanked by doorways, and to the right, projecting forwards, a late-C20, dual-aspect, multi-pane shopfront window. To the right is a console bracket from a previous shopfront which is supported on a reeded pilaster with a Tudor rose motif. To the first and second floor is a symmetrical two-window range of one-over-one horned sash windows, and a hornless sash window to the attic, also with plate glass. The windows are set within plain architrave. The first and second floors are framed by plain pilasters and a moulded cornice below the gable end. To the rear is a modillion eaves cornice below the gable-end wall. INTERIOR: the ground floor has been opened up to form a single unit.
The contents of this record have been generated from a legacy data system.
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Other ‘A Plan and description of all the landes belonging to the Barton and Manor of Padbrooke and Paunsford in the parishes of Cullumpton and Bradninch in the Countye of Devon the lands of Padbrooke being divided into 4 Tenements…all which are parcell of the possessions of the Right Worshipful Sir William Courten of London, knight', surveyed by William Jennings of Evershott, 1633. A Ground Plan of the Town and Environs of Cullompton from a Survey made July MDCCCXXXI, Measured and mapped by RP Davy, Cullompton, 1831 Ordnance Survey, Devon (1889, 1:2500) Ordnance Survey, Devon (1989, 1:2500)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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