(South-West Side) 16/176 Thirteen tombs and
nineteen tomb
stones flanking
churchyard path to
United Reformed
Church GV II
Thirteen chest tombs and obelisks and nineteen tomb stones. C19, flanking
churchyard path a----i on south-east side, j---m on north-west side;
distances measured in feet from north-west wall of chapel. (a) c.nine feet.
Obelisk, limestone, draped urn on pedestal with moulded base and an
inscription to Mary wife of Joseph Garrett 1861; (b) c.fourteen feet. Chest
tomb, limestone, moulded plinth with fluted quoins, panels inscribed to John
Stevenson Blackman 1834 and others; (c) c.nineteen feet. Obelisk,
limestone, square plan with diagonal buttresses and stepped cap, inscription
in foiled panel to Jane Ward 1863; (d) c.twenty-four feet. Chest tomb,
limestone, moulded plinth with fluted quoins and panels inscribed to Thomas
Gayfen 1881; (e) c.thirty-one feet. Obelisk, limestone, square plan with
angle buttresses, stepped cap and finial with inscriptions in foiled panel to
John Wilkinson of Hadstock Hall, 1876 and others; (f) c.forty-eight feet.
Chest tomb, limestone, moulded plinth with fluted quoins, and panels
inscribed to William Foster 1842 and others; (g) c.fifty-seven feet. Chest
tomb limestone, moulded plinth with fluted quoins, and panels inscribed to
Joseph Stallbrass 1852 and others; (h) c.sixty-two feet. Obelisk,
limestone, square plan with needle on pedestal with stepped base inscribed on
raised panels to William Hales 1871 and others; (i) c.sixty-seven feet.
Chest tomb, limestone, with moulded plinth, fluted quoins, and panels
inscribed to William Dweey 1887 and others; (j) c.nineteen feet. Chest
tomb, limestone and marble, moulded plinth, fluted quoins, and oval marble
panels inscribed to John Kidman 1828 and others; (k) c.twenty-four feet.
Chest tomb, limestone, on moulded plinth with fluted quoins, and panels
inscribed to Daniel Taylor 1827 and others; (l) c.thirty-five feet. Chest
tomb, limestone, with moulded plinth, fluted quoins and panels inscribed to
Buck Smoothy of Hadstock 1835 and others; (m) c.forty feet. Chest tomb,
limestone, on moulded plinth with fluted quoins and panels inscribed to
George Nichols 1831 and others. The item also includes nineteen tomb stones
with C19 dated inscriptions.
Listing NGR: TL5603346655
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