This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 07/06/2011
(Formerly listed as:
(West side)
House (Manor Cottage), farm cottage (Manor Farm) and associated farm buildings. Late C18 with later alterations. MATERIALS
Mainly coursed rubble stone under pantile roofs. The house is fronted in brick, the cottage is pebble-dashed with a brick-built outshut with a slate roof. Farm buildings are also mainly stone, but have brick dressings. Later buildings and alterations are generally in brick. PLAN
House: Single depth, central entrance plan with an open well stair with a single half landing. The two-storey rear projecting wing is a modern extension that is not of special interest.
Cottage: Originally accessed both from the house and from the rear, access is now via the two-storey outshut which appears to be a C19 extension. The outshut has a single-storey extension added in the late C20. The house and cottage form an east-facing range with the cottage to the north. The farm buildings are arranged around a rectangular yard that extends to the west from the north side of the cottage. The principal agricultural buildings form a continuous range to the north side of the yard, the yard being subdivided into two by a cross wall. Most of the buildings of this range are also accessible from the north. The large detached building to the north is modern and is not included in the listing. EXTERIOR
East: Three-bay house with two-bay cottage to the right, both of two storeys. The house is nearly symmetrical (the south bay being slightly wider with the central entrance slightly offset to the north) and the cottage's northern bay is blind. All of the windows are horned 1-over-1 sashes except the ground floor cottage window which is 2-over-2. The ground-floor windows have channelled wedge lintels of painted stucco. The entrance to the house has a modern 6-panel door with a clear glazed semicircular fanlight above, the whole provided with an original doorcase with reeded pilasters supporting an open pediment. There is a dentilled brick eaves course. The house has brick end stacks, that to the right enlarged with the single ridge stack of the cottage. Gables are raised but without copings or kneelers. West (house): Most of the west elevation of the house is covered by the modern extension. This is reasonably in keeping, employing irregular bricks, 1-over-1 sashes, with a raised gable with tumbling-in brickwork and a pantile roof. However, the stretcher bonding and soldier course lintels betray it as a modern extension. The three windows of the original house all retain 1-over-1 sashes, the one to the right of the extension has a channelled wedge lintel.
West (cottage): The rear outshut overlaps part of the rear of the house. Most of its windows are modern replacements in altered openings. However, one on the ground floor retains its segmental arch formed from brick headers and has a 12-pane Yorkshire sash.
Gable ends: Both covered in modern render. INTERIOR
The house retains its original open string staircase with stick balusters and decorative brackets. It also retains 6-panel doors. The roof structure is traditionally jointed and pegged with collared trusses supporting butt-purlins. Within the cottage there are exposed beams that are chamfered with pyramid stops.
FARM BUILDINGS Multi-function barn: This forms the western end of the principal range of farm buildings forming the northern side of the yard. This two-storey building has a threshing barn at the western end, stabling to the east and storage to the centre with granaries above. The central bay on the south side is inset, but the roof is continuous giving some protection to the step and ladder access to the upper floor. The west end of the roof is hipped, the east being gabled with the verge formed with tumbling-in brickwork. The roof structure is pegged with butt-purlins. Cart shed/stabling: This two-storey building forms the centre of the east/west range. To the centre there are three brick arched cart openings on both north and south sides, although most of these entrances have been infilled. At either end there is stabling with hay lofts above. The arrangement of the openings for the stabling and hay loft is unaltered at the east end on the north side and west end on the south side. The rest of the east/west range is formed by single-storey buildings, some being brick rebuilds. Open fronted sheds: Facing east, extending to the north of the threshing barn there is a two bay, stone-built shed, probably originally an implement shed with loft storage accessed from the gable end. This has a replacement corrugated roof covering. To the south of the threshing barn, forming the western side of the yard, there is a range of open-fronted livestock shelter sheds. This has engineering brick piers and some modern blockwork walling but has a mainly stone-built rear wall. At the time of survey this had its pantile roof removed. Range on south side of the yard: This is single storey and stone-built with brick dressings and a modern recovered roof. This range included the farm washhouse. HISTORY
From the architectural detailing, Manor Cottage and Farm are late C18 in date, probably prompted by the enclosure of the agricultural land of North and South Newbald, the date of the enclosure map being 1778. The farm complex is marked on the 1855 1:10560 Ordnance Survey map, labelled as Manor House, the layout depicted being little different to that now surviving. Bulmer's Directory of 1892 notes that it was occupied by a farmer, Samuel Sharp, but implies that it was owned by Viscount Galway. In the earlier C20 the former farm cottage was used as the village police house, but then became the farm house after separation of the original principal house (the renamed Manor Cottage) from the rest of the farm. REASONS FOR DESIGNATION
Manor Farm, Manor Cottage and the associated farm buildings are designated at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
* As a good example of a farm built in the late C18, at a time when English agriculture was the most advanced in the world.
* For the architectural interest of the front elevation of the house and cottage and the survival of original internal features such as the roof structure and staircase.
* For the survival of the associated farm buildings, particularly the multi-function barn and the cart shed with stabling.
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