(south side)
1/5 Castleford Three Lane
10.10.1980 Ends First School
- II
School. 1939-40, by Oliver Hill, with faience frieze by John Skeaping.
Brick, with some faience facing, iron window frames, flat roof. C20
International style. Long double-depth range on curving plan, (the concave
side to the south). Single-storey (with appearance of 2-storeys on the
southern facade): higher single-storey assembly hall attached at right angles
near west end of north side. The south facade of 8 bays, with rounded ends,
is horizontally divided by a flat-roofed open canopy to a sun terrace, with
continuous fenestration to each classroom below and above this canopy, and at
each end the canopy sweeps out on a wide curve, supported by slender columns.
Above, the flat roof overhangs the top of the wall, echoing the continuous
sweeping line of the sun terrace canopy. The north side, which is the
entrance front, is in 2 halves; to the left the convex wall is mostly faced
with a deep frieze of green faience with incised deer, and above the frieze
runs a continuous band of square windows; the main doorway is to the left of
this, near the east end. In the western half fenestration replaces the
frieze, and the assembly hall forms a wing at the west end, with large iron-
framed windows on both sides. (This hall may be later addition).
Interior: a curving axial corridor separates classrooms (and office) on the
south side, from cloakrooms, kitchens, etc, on the north side.
Listing NGR: SE4138825555
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