TF 12 NW (south side)
7/41 Dowsby Hall
6.5.52 II* Country house. C16, early C17, probably by John Thorpe, C18,
C19. Limestone ashlar, coursed limestone rubble. Slate double
ridge roofs with stone coped gables, with kneelers and apex
crowned with small knopped obelisks. 4 stacks in central valley
between roofs, one with 3 tall angle shafts, the other 3 with
tall paired angle shafts. 3 storeys plus basement and garrets, 4
southern bays of the original 7 bay east front demolished in late
C18 leaving 3 northern bays. Plinth with 2 two light cavetto
mullion basement windows to left and single 3 light cavetto
mullion basement window in canted 3 storey bay window to right.
Tall 3 light mullion window flanked by single lights, with 2
transoms and upper blocked lights. 2 tall 3 light mullion
windows to left, with 2 transoms. Projecting moulded band above.
2 three light mullion and transom windows above with a 3 light
mullion window to right flanked by single lights and with
transom. Projecting moulded cornice above with corbelled out bay
window above with a 5 light mullion window with projecting
moulded cornice crowned with gablet with obelisks on apex and
kneelers. A similar uncorbelled window to left under gablet with
obelisks on apex and kneelers. South wall with doorway to right
which originally would have lead into the screens passage, now
with moulded doorcase, double glazed doors and C19 gabled lattice
work porch. 2 moulded string courses above at first and second
floor levels. 4 bay west front with doorway to right with double
glazed doors and wooden lintel continuing to left to run over a 2
light casement. Cross mullion window to left with moulded
cornice. Canted 3 storey bay window to left with the top floor
removed. 3 light mullion and transom window with upper blocked
lights. 3 light mullion and transom partially blocked window
above. Roll moulded corbelling of the truncated upper bay window
above. 3 light narrow mullion window to right, with moulded
cornice. 3 light mullion and transom window above, with moulded
cornice. Rubble north front with ashlar dressings. Mid C19
doorway in projecting gabled porch with semi-circular head,
raised keystone, traceried fanlight and double panelled doors. 2
light blocked basement mullion window to left. Single storey mid
C19 curving stock brick addition to right with 3 casements with
segmental heads. Blocked 2 light mullion window partially hidden
by porch to left with moulded cornice. 3 light mullion window
above, with moulded cornice. Larger 3 light mullion and transom
window to right with moulded cornice. Moulded first floor band
above. Central 2 light mullion window above flanked by single
partially blocked 4 light mullion and transom windows with
moulded cornices. "Launder box" above dated 1630. 2 light
mullion window above with moulded cornice, flanked by single 4
light mullion and transom windows with moulded cornices. Early
C20 doorway with plank door inserted in that to left. Small
central gablet with single blocked 2 light mullion windows in
each of the larger flanking gablets with knopped obelisks on
kneelers and apex. Cellar with beamed ceiling including very
long C16 chamfered beam probably from former timber frame hall on
site. Brick lined well. C17 oak fielded panelled billiards room
with chamfered beam and small panelled cupboard doors flanking
fireplace. Early C18 bolection moulded dining room and mid C18
marbled panelled drawing room inserted into original hall. C19
staircase. Lower attic room to south with early C17 ashlar
fireplace with 4 centred head, angled shoulders and simply
moulded surround. Roofs with 2 floors of garrets with numbered
trusses revealing from the breaks in sequence that the roof has
been truncated to south. Excavations carried out in 1972 by D.
Roberts revealed the original dimensions of the house. D.
Roberts suggests that his reconstructed, symmetrical front can be
clearly linked with various designs by John Thorpe made on behalf
of Sir William Rigdon of Dowsby, who sold the estate to Richard
Burrell before the plans were carried out, the latter
subsequently erecting a modified plan. Roberts believes drawings
in the Thorpe Album reveal past discussion, correction and
adaptation of plans, working towards the design of Dowsby Hall
before its truncation in the late C18. Sources; D. Roberts
"John Thorpe's Designs for Dowsby Hall and the Red Hall, Bourne",
Lincolnshire History and Archaeology. viii 1973. Sir John
Summerson, ed. "The Book of Architecture of John Thorpe".
Walpole Society Volume XL, 1966.
Listing NGR: TF1105229307
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Books and journals Summerson, J, The Book of Architecture of John Thorpe, (1966) Roberts, D, 'Lincolnshire History and Archaeology' in John Thorpes Designs for Dowsby Hall and the Red Hall Bourne, , Vol. 8, (1973)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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