south side 2/352 Nether Winchendon House
(formerly listed as Winchendon
25.10.51 - I Country house. C15, c1530, C16, and 1790-1805 by Scrope Bernard,restored by
Philip Tilden in 1920s. Courtyard, open to east, with screen across north.
South and west ranges with cement dressings and stone parapets and
buttresses; coursed rubblestone corner towers and rendered south-east
block which conceals high quality close-studded timber framed chamber wing
of c1530 which is jettied to north side. Old tile roofs. Two storeyed
letter-L plan with 5 arched screen linking north west and north east
Towers. East arcade demolished. South range originally one room deep but
1799 doubled with corridor and staircase range to north. House started
as C15 hall and crosswing with c1530 east chamber wing and service range c1560
to left which returned north. Embattled parapets on pointed arched
corbel frieze to all elevations. South front. 2 bay hall with 1802-06
Gothick arched windows of 3 arched lights and 2 transoms. To left
projecting gabled crosswing with arched doorway at right to former
cross-passage. Weathered buttresses and pinnacles, quatrefoil in gable.
2 bays to left, then south west tower. Mullioned or mullioned and
transomed casements. At right of hall bays,2 widened c1530 stacks
flank 2 bays with mullioned and transomed ground floor casements. 3
bay timber balcony above. Richly moulded C16 brick flues with spirals
chevrons and bands. Cupola behind crosswing gable has ogeed octagonal
lead cap, erected 1790. West Elevation: Stone with canted bays at
each end and mullioned and transomed windows. North front of house
and east front of west range has 3 and 2-light windows with hood moulds
to ground floor and arched to first floor with label moulds. Buttresses
between bays. Gabled porch with coat of arms in gable to centre of north
front. North towers have 3-light traceried blank windows on north side.
Outer bays of linking arcade blocked. East elevation of south east wing
has narrow bays with 2-light arched windows flanking canted bay window
of 7 lights with transom. 5-light first floor window with arched
heads. Tourelles at angles, north-east one truncated. Other moulded
flues by Webb of Haddenham. Interior: Hall has C17 panelling and at
North East end 4-centred timber arched doorway with moulded head and jambs
and foliage spandrels with inscription John Daunce (tenant in 1528) who
built chamber wing beyond. C16 fireplace has moulded frieze elaborately
carved with grotesque subjects, and foliage. Strapwork jambs. 1802-06
plaster rib-vault. Justice room (former crosswing) has C18 walnut panelling.
Drawing room in c1530 chamber wing lined with original linen-fold panelling
with carved oak friezes above panelling and to cross-beam soffits, all
painted. Portrait of John Daunce framed by his initials, profile heads,
mermaids, cherubs, arabesques etc. Probably by same carver as panels
removed from Notley Abbey, Long Crendon, to Weston Manor, Oxfordshire,
and signed Richard Rudge. Bay window has C16 armorial and C17 Flemish
stained glass. Also set in other windows of house. Some good C18
fireplaces, probably from Eythrope House, demolished in 1810.
RCHM I 247. MON.2. C.L.1960. APR 28, MAY 5, MAY 12.
Listing NGR: SP7344512077
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Books and journals 'Country Life' in 28 April, (1960) 'Country Life' in 5 May, (1960) 'Country Life' in 12 May, (1960)Other An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire Volume One South, (1912)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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