This list entry was subject to a Minor Amendment on 27/11/2019 SU 8168 NW
RECTORY ROAD (north west side)
Nos. 2-10 (even) (Former Police Station) [Formerly listed as Nos. 2-10 (even) (Police Station)] G.V.
II Includes No.1 and 3 Milton Road. Former Police Station, police houses, courtroom and later probation office. 1904 by Joseph Morris, surveyor to Berkshire County Council 1872-1915. Extended 1911. Brick with Portland and Bath stone dressings; tile gabled roofs of varying heights. Long rectangular plan with irregular extensions on north and north east and former courtroom on west; prominent pagoda style tower between probation office and station. One storey probation office, two storeys remainder. Several chimneys with white brick and bands with clay pots. South east front: facing Rectory Road. Probation office on left with gabled roof in centre. Five-light stone latticed window with semi-circular Venetian style moulded stone head; stone strings and eaves band; brick angled buttresses left end. Brick tower in 3 stages to right of this with large tapered stone buttress corners, stone strings, moulded stone cornice and wide, coved overhanging eaves; pyramidal tiled roof with splayed feet and ball finial. Semi-circular headed stone entrance, approached by four steps in stone and concrete to deeply recessed porch under tower. Three-light leaded, stone mullioned and transomed window on front face in second stage with moulded cill, flat cill string and moulded head. Similar openings in third stage on three sides but taller and without glass. To the right of the tower is the former entrance to the station; brick semi-circular arched head with door and sidelight in recessed porch. Stone cross windows on either side, one on left, two on right; three mid C20 irregular casements above, gable over. To the right of this section the 1911 extension, with five irregular gables, all of different heights, one in the form of an oriel with four-light small pane window over late C20 door and sidelight. Casement and two bay windows on ground floor, one on left with small hipped roof, one on right with pent roof. A second entrance door on right hand, with top glazed. South west front: facing Milton Road: two storey gable on left, slightly projecting, with cant bay on ground floor and five-light casement; four-light casement over and tile hung gable. Chimney on ridge; larger projecting gable on right hand to former courtroom, with stone
strings and brick buttresses on corners. Five-light semi-circular headed stone, transome and mullioned, central window; stone strings moulded at window head level and carried up over. Single storey part between gables with half glazed and panelled entrance door to left of centre in stone quoin surround, with triple key block. Cant bay to right of door in stone surround and moulded cill with seven leaded lights. One chimney on ridge of centre section. Listing NGR: SU8102868746
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Books and journals Pevsner, N, The Buildings of England: Berkshire, (1966), 309Websites British Geological Survey, Strategic Stone Study, accessed 04/02/2020 from
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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