TQ 74 NW
(north-east side)
4/52 Rugmer Hill
Farmhouse (also
23-5-67 known as Rugmer Hill)
GV II* Farmhouse. Late C14 or early C15, with late C16 or early C17 and C18
and C19 alterations. Timber framed. Ground floor painted brick, first floor
rendered. Left gable end weatherboarded to ground floor, tile-hung above.
Plain tile roof. Wealden, with open hall of two timber-framed bays (that
to right slightly shorter), and storeyed end bays. C16 or early C17 single-
bay left return addition, now part of lean-to. 2 storeys and garret.
Wooden cill on stone plinth to left hall bay, brick plinth to rest.
Storeyed end bays have underbuilt jetties to front. Arch-braced flying
wall-plate, and solid-spandrel bracket under central tie-beam end. Two
further stub "ties" tenoned between inner and flying wall-plates, one towards
centre of each bay. Steeply-pitched roof, half-hipped to left, hipped to
right with gablet. Red and grey brick stack rising from eaves to left end
of front elevation. Multiple red and grey brick stack in front slope of
roof to left end of right hall bay, and projecting red and grey brick stack
to right gable end. Irregular fenestration of 4 wooden casements; one
two-light to each end bay, one four-light to left hall bay and one single-
light to right hall bay. Plain-chamfered pointed-arched late C14 or early
C15 wooden doorhead with later jambs, ribbed rectangular door and pointed-
arched fanlight, to right end of hall. Red and grey brick rear lean-to.
Interior: exposed framing, including uncut cill-beams to partitions.
Unusual single pointed-arched doorway with durns, set to front side of
central stud of plain right end-of-hall partition. Right end ground-floor
room has axial beam with integral ledge supporting joist ends. Later stair-
case to rear corner. Moulded left end-of-hall beam, above partition of
broadly-spaced studs with daub infilling combed in a herringbone pattern.
Jowled chamfered stud or post grooved for spear panel, towards rear end of
the partition. Broad, chamfered hall window-cill with four-light diamond
mullion window above it. Left end ground-floor room has chamfered axial
beam with solid-spandrel bracket under each end, joists of heavy scantling,
and stair trimmer towards rear wall. Left end first-floor room has mortices
for cross tie. Right end first-floor room has arch-braced cross tie without
crown-post. Chamfered wall-plates to end bays. Tension-braced partitions.
to right and left ends of hall, right end with moulded tie-beam. Tie-beam
moulding continued along cornice to front and rear of both hall bays. Long
shaped jowls to principal posts. Moulded central truss posts, and cambered
moulded tie-beam with fillet, and with heavy-scantling hollow-chamfered
arch braces. Moulded crown post. Plain end-of-hall crown posts, that to
right flanked by daub and plaster partition with herringbone combing. Stop-
splayed wall-plate scarf joint. Late C16 or early C17 inserted hall floor
with chamfered axial beam and joists, and similar attic floor. Roof over
left end bay rebuilt with clasped purlins. Hall fireplace with bevelled
stone jambs, brick back in English bond, and long four-centred-arched
bressumer. Later brick fireplace to attic. Boarded doors and broad floor-
boards. Diamond mullion ground-floor windows to late C16 or early C17
rear addition. Stone well within lean-to.
Listing NGR: TQ7115048107
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