3/68 The Rectory
Rectory. Built 1529 for Sir John Barry, Rector 1524-46, wing to rear left
possibly of C17, substantial C19 alterations and additions, embattled parapet and
clock tower added after 1828, (clock tower now removed) for Rev. W.P. Wait and
2-storey addition to north-east; further alterations c.1876 for Rev. J. Ellershaw,
and later C19 and C20 alterations. Limestone and sandstone rubble, limestone
dressings, slate roof to south block with raised coped verges, double Roman tiled
hipped roof to C19 addition, pantiled rear wing with brick gable stacks.
Roughly square on plan comprising south range, north west wing (at left return)
lobby and north east C19 addition in angle of L-plan. 2 storeys, irregular
fenestration on 4-bay front; from left, first bay has at ground floor C19 4-light
window with 4-centred arched heads to lights, flat head and hood mould, 4 shields
above and 3-light window with hood mould, small timber lintel remaining at ground
floor right-and inset carving above; 2nd bay has similar 3-light window at ground
and first floor, 3 shields set between windows and one to right; third bay has
2-light window with cusped heads and hood mould, formerly a door although probably
not original, coats of arms above and inscription; 4th bay has original 2-light
chamfered pointed arched window with hood mould at ground floor, carved helmet
above with angel to each side holding shield with initials JB, shield to left and
reset shield above; later buttress to left, roof raised in C19, cornice and
embattled parapet with large finial to each side. Left return has external
weathered stack, cut away to left, formerly with oven at base, first floor C20
metal-framed window; 2-storey wing to left has C19 2-light trefoil headed window
at ground and first floor left, C20 metal-framed window ground and first floor
right and C20 door to right. Right return has gable end showing line of earlier
roof, timber lintel remaining at ground floor, first floor central C19 mullion and
transom window with ogee heads to lights, shields in spandrels and hood mould,
possibly earlier architrave, formerly at ground floor, moved in C19, finial to
gable as on front; straight joint to right to curtain wall with coping (lobby
behind), reset pointed arched chamfered doorway with C20 door, small blocked ogee-
headed window reset above; straight joint to right to C19 addition (originally
dining room, altered as stable, then restored as dining room with loft over) with
3-light window at ground floor with trefoil heads, hood mould and mask stops,
smaller 3-light window above with stopped hood mould. Rear of C19 addition has
blocked central segmental-headed stable door and similar loading door above,
2-light trefoil-headed window ground and first floor right, C20 metal-framed
window ground floor left, brick stack rising from eaves; blocked door to right,
cellar entry and steps, upper pigeon entries with perches; gable end of wing to
right has blocked door, part of lower timber lintel remaining, possibly former
cellar entry. Interior: south range has walls nearly one metre thick, deep
splayed reveals to windows, interior considerably altered in C19; in south range
2 bays of roof to east visible, principal rafters, 2 rows purlins, cambered collar,
one pair of straight cusped windbraces remaining, formerly 2 tiers of windbraces,
much of roof structure replaced when C19 clock tower was removed. Coats of arms
on front include 6 of-St. Lo family, alone or impaled with arms of Fitzpane,
Ancell, de la Rivere and Malet. (Sources: Williams, E.H.D. : unpublished survey
1982. RCHM).
Listing NGR: ST5581761904