SW 64 SE
(north side, off)
5/188 Churchtown
1.12.51 Nance Farmhouse II*
Dower house, now farmhouse. Earlier C18 and earlier, slightly altered. Sandstone
ashlar facade, otherwise uncoursed sandstone rubble with granite quoins, scantle
slate roof. Double-pile plan formed by 2 single-depth ranges of different builds,
the later added to and covering most of the front of the earlier. The south
front, facing into higher ground, is architecturally 2-storeyed over a basement
which is actually at ground level, and a symmetrical 5-bay composition in
classical style, with raised quoins; the central entrance, approached by a bridge
over the basement area, has a doorway with a 6-panelled door and Gibbs
surround in low relief, with a prominent keystone and a pediment, the basement
has a doorway beneath the bridge and 4 square windows with replaced 4-pane
sashes, the ground floor has tall 12-pane sashed windows, and the 1st floor has
square 6-pane sashes (all these with thick glazing bars); and all these windows
have flat-arched heads with raised pendent keystones. Hipped roof to the front
range with projecting eaves, and extruded side-wall chimney stacks finished with
modern brick. Lean-to addition at left end. The earlier rear range is of 2 storeys
with attics, and is longer (with a 6th bay to the west); the left (eastern) half
has a doorway in the 3rd bay, two 12-pane sashed windows to the left and 4
above, a reduced window to the right, inserted garage doors in the right-hand
half and irregular fenestration including a small horizontal-sliding sash window
beneath the eaves, and a dormer window. Interior: the front range contains an
exceptionally fine C18 staircase in an open well from the basement to the 1st
floor and a very unusual flying flight to the attic, with bolection moulded soffits
to the steps, an open string, scrolled brackets, columnar newels, 2 twisted and
turned balusters per tread, and a ramped moulded handrail; the basement has a
room in the rear range (the "apostles room") with 11 painted panels of the
apostles, and in the front range a wide segmental-arched fireplace at the west
end and a rectangular fireplace at the east end divided to make a cloam oven;
the ground floor of the front range has doorways with C18 pedimented
architraves with pulvinated friezes and dentils, and a drawing room with fine
contemporary decoration including a fireplace with shouldered surrround and
swan-neck pedimented overmantel panel, shouldered architraves to 4 doorways
(that to the right of the fireplace containing a coved cupboard with fluted sides
and scalloped coving), moulded plaster cornice and rococo ceiling decoration; and
a small dining room to the east decorated in similar style. History: said to have
been built for a daughter of the Basset family of Tehidy, wife of John Collins,
Rector of of Illogan.
Listing NGR: SW6693644321
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