TL 61 NW AYTHORPE RODING HIGH EASTER ROAD 3/41 YEOMANS II* Hall house, C14 or C15, altered in C16 and C20, extended in C20. Timber-
framed, plastered, roof thatched. 2-bay hall with integral storeyed
parlour/solar end at SW, and integral service end at NE. In the mid-C16
a timber-framed smoke hood was constructed in the NE bay of the hall.
Later in the century a brick chimney stack was built within it, backing onto
the cross-entry, and a floor inserted in the SW bay of the hall. Single
storey extension to SW, circa 1970. Plain door, 4 C20 casement windows,
and one in a swept dormer. The arch-headed window is an introduction from
elsewhere, circa 1938, in the position of the original front door.
Roof half-hipped at SW end, gabled at NE. Timber-framing exposed internally.
Jowled storey posts, cambered central tiebeam with one arch-brace in situ;
collar-rafter roof, original over hall and heavily smoke-blackened. Floor of
service end rebuilt, but evidence of unglazed windows establishes that the
service end was storeyed from the outset. There is a genuine medieval
solid-tread stair in the service end, a rare feature, although it was
introduced from elsewhere circa 1938. The timber-framed smoke hood has
survived intact, occupying the whole NE bay of the hall at first-floor level,
a very rare survival. Possibly only one other exists in Essex, at Mashams,
High Laver, in comparable condition. The 2 tiebeams at the NE end have
matrices for notched-lap joints and trenches for passing braces.
Measurement suggests that these C13 timbers have been re-used and shortened,
although they are original to this building. RCHM 6.
Listing NGR: TL6021015756
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