SW 84 SW KEA 2/110 Lambe Creeke House
Farmhouse, said to have been an inn. C18 or earlier, remodelled early C19. Stucco
over stone rubble walls. Grouted scantle slate roofs hipped to south west range on 2
levels with stuccoed brick chimneys over cross walls. Further chimney to gable end
of north wing and over axial wall of service wing. Hipped roof over stair plus lean-
Irregular U-shaped plan with stair turret in angle between reception areas. Possibly
originally 3-room plan plus later service wings, remodelled early C19 with hall and
lower end with rear wing becoming 3 reception rooms with entrance passage between;
upper end, built into bank, with part of rear wing, becoming large kitchen with 3
2 storeys. Slightly irregular 3- and 1-window south west garden front. Right-hand
bay at higher level with lean-to to right. Plinth, mid-floor band, rusticated quoins
strips, and stucco lions' heads over openings. Stuccoed ramped and coped projecting
wall with urn, left. Original early C19 hornless sashes with much crown glass.
Ground floor openings taller with 20-pane sashes to left and right and middle opening
with C20 French window. 16-pane sashes to first floor. Ogee cast iron gutter.
North-west entrance front has similar stucco detailing but without heads over
openings. 1:2:1-bays. Early C20 bay slightly recessed, left, with arched
carriageway leading to rear courtyard. Second from left bay has been resited.
Entrance to third bay with marginal glazed door. Right-hand bay projects with arch-
headed opening, altered C20, to ground floor, and blind window over, painted to
resemble other early C19 16-pane hornless sashes to first floor.
Rear has original round-headed stair sash with intersecting glazing bars. 2 circa
1800 2-light casements to service area.
Interior has much early C19 detail including original panelled doors, architraves,
panelled window shutters, plaster ceilings, and some cast iron grates within original
surrounds. Open-well open string stair with stick balusters and Vitruvian scroll
frieze. Acanthus over bead and reel ceiling cornice to vestibule and stair hall.
West room has egg and dart over bead and reel cornice and hob grate. Room beyond has
moulded cornice and band and further hob grate within black marble surround with
consoles. Kitchen/bakehouse has oven within hooded hearth to north east wall and 2
large adjoining hearths to north west wall. First floor has plaster barrel vault
over passage and vaulted ceiling to north room and original grate with shell
mouldings over. Some circa late C18 2-panel doors survive, one with HL hinges and
one with sprung latch.
A successful early C19 classical remodelling or refashioning of earlier house
adapting earlier evolved plan to fashionable garden front with side entrance front
plan. Elevations within rear courtyard, with iron pump over well, contribute greatly
to the unspoilt quality of this house.
Listing NGR: SW8415042119
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