SX 46 NW
4/213 Stockwell Farmhouse
Farmhouse, now house, Mid - late C17, with C19 alterations, and C20 alterations in
progress at time of survey (December 1986). Rubble, rendered, with some cob. Slate
roof with crested ridge tiles and gable ends; with gable end stack to right, with
weathering and shaped top. Similar axial stack to hall and rear lateral stack to
Plan: 3-room plan with cross passage. The lower end room is to left; this appears to
have been substantially rebuilt circa C19, with a rear lateral stack. A straight
stair was inserted in the passage, probably also in C19. The hall is to right of the
passage, heated from an axial stack backing on to the passage; there is a 2-storey
gabled bay at the front of the hall. The upper end room to right is heated by a gable
end stack; there is a stair to the rear of the inner room, which may be in the site
of the original stair.
Exterior: 2 storeys, asymmetrical 4-window front; all windows are C20 casements.
Plain door to the passage, with 3-light casement to left, two 2-light casements at
first floor. To right is the 2-storey gabled hall bay, projecting, with 3-light
window at ground floor, and 2-light window at first floor. The right end has 3-light
window at ground floor and 2-light window at first floor. The left end has 3-light
casement at ground floor and 4-pane light at first floor. Right end has a single
storey lean-to. At the rear there is a straight joint between the lower end room and
the passage; the lower end has 2-light casement at ground floor, formerly a door, and
a 3-light casement at first floor. To left, there are three 2-light casements at
ground floor and two at first floor.
Interior: The hall has narrow chamfered beams, which are continuous through the hall
bay to the front of the room. The fireplace has a flat chamfered granite lintel and
jambs. The upper end room to right has a rebuilt fireplace at the gable end, with a
cloam oven inserted. There is some cob visible in the front wall of the hall bay. At
first floor, the feet of the principals are visible. boxed. The roof appears to have
been rebuilt in circa C19.
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