NZ 62 SW
side (off), Marske
5/99 Farm buildings and
2 houses c.50m north of
Ryehills Farmhouse.
G.V. II Barn and byre range, c.1800, with later C19 stable/granary and cart shed
flanking porch of barn; engine house adjoining rear of barn, and stable
adjoining left byre. End byres and rear extensions converted to dwellings,
that at right end extended to rear; links to barn raised by one storey
c.1985. Chevron-tooled dressed sandstone. Roofs of,Welsh slate in
diminishing courses; renewed clay pantiles on houses. Stone ridge and gable
copings. Symmetrical, on 3 sides of octagonal yard. Barn has central
gabled projecting porch with boarded double doors in segment-arched opening.
Right single-storey, 3-bay, lean-to cart shed with plain piers, and left
2-storey, 3-bay, lean-to stable/granary, flank the porch. Stable/granary
has off-centre boarded door and altered hit-and-miss and louvred windows.
2-storey, 3-bay houses at ends of range, have pilaster strips at angles,
segment-arched openings, now partly blocked and holding stone-mullioned
windows, on ground floor. Original first-floor windows now hold mullioned
casements. One-bay links to houses have doorways with segment-headed
lintels under keyed lintels. Hipped and gabled roofs, houses sprocketed at
eaves. One-storey, single-bay wing adjoins left of left house. Rear of
barn shows central doorway with plain pedimented surround. Slit breathers
on ground floor, below eaves, and in gable ends. Single-storey, lean-to
engine house adjoins right of doorway. Barn, cart shed and stable/granary
disused and dilapidated at time of resurvey. Remains of milking parlour
adjoining south-west corner of range, is too derelict to be of special
Listing NGR: NZ6237622591
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