SZ 6399
774-1/12/29 PORTSMOUTH,
GUNWHARF ROAD (West side),
HMS Vernon
Perimeter Walls with Gateways including former Main Gate and Lodges 25.9.72 GV II
Alternatively known as: Isle of Wight Ferry Car Park wall, GUNWHARF ROAD HMS VERNON Includes: Perimeter walls with Gateways including former Main Gate and Lodges, ST GEORGES ROAD HMS VERNON. Perimeter walls with former main gate, lodges, subsidiary gates and gun emplacements. c1870 with later additions and alterations. Red and yellow brick and limestone ashlar. Wall runs along west side of Gunwharf Road and St George's Road with mid-late C20 gateway near their junction and mid-late C20 breaks at Isle of Wight ferry vehicle entrance and exit. Former main gate at junction of road with Park Road.
Wall is approx. .3 metres high and has chamfered ashlar plinth; yellow brick panels with black-brick bases, stepped dentilled heads, red and blue header-brick lozenge motifs, and red brick surrounds; roll-moulding below triangular-sectioned rendered brick coping. Ashlar sections at fine corner ashlar rifle bartizans with dentilled cornices, the wall sweeping up either side. Square brick end piers with rendered pyramidal capstones.
Former main gateway: segmental archway with stone surround, machicolated parapet, decorative iron gates with delicately scrolled superstructure, and on west side bollards formed of early-mid C19 cannon barrels set on end. Flanking square brick towers with ashlar plinths, bands, coping, and architraves to pedestrian entrances on east side; south tower with blocking course; north tower larger and taller with machicolated embattled parapet, decorative weather-vane dated 1923, and entrance on to walkway above south side of entrance; flanking square piers with decorative brick panels.
On west side, 2 single-storey lodges, north lodge with heavy square-columned porch and hipped plain tile roof; south lodge with 4-bay iron columned loggia and hipped Welsh slate roof. 2 subsidiary gateways (south of present main entrance) each with ashlar piers and, in wall to side, a bricked up round-arched pedestrian entrance.
HISTORY: provided security around the former Ordnance yard. Included as an imposing perimeter to the historic Gunwharf site, with the unique C17 style bartizan watch posts. Listing NGR: SU6610802158
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