873-1/8/445 (North side)
14/06/74 North Mill GV II Former mill, now dwellings. Some C18 work, but major
extensions, including addition of floors, in 1846 and 1887,
and interior remodelling in late C20. Squared coursed
stonework, slate roofs.
EXTERIOR: in 2 parts; to the left, in 4 storeys and 2 windows,
all late C20 replacements in original flush stone surrounds on
stone sills. At ground floor is a large garage opening to a
concrete lintel. The gables are coped, and in the left return
is a large late C20 window at third-floor level. Set high in
the wall is a stone panel with 'RH & F LUCKHAM 1887'in raised
sans-serif lettering.
To the right is a lower range in 3 storeys, with 4 windows,
all late C20 replacements in original openings with segmental
voussoirs and wood sills. In bay 2 is a glazed door and
sidelight, and bay 3 has a large gabled dormer, formerly a
hauling way, with inscribed date 'Garnet-Jones 1966', above a
glazed door to timber footbridge crossing to South Mill (qv),
and a further window. The return to the right has three
2-light uPVC windows, and a blocked doorway.
A low link building, with a low door and a second door on a
flight of 9 stone steps, links to the Old Mill House (qv).
This section of the building has a stone panel with 'JH TIZARD
1846'in raised lettering with serifs.
INTERIOR: no machinery retained and has been completely
modified internally.
The mill, with South Mill across the road, is an important
element in the street, and a reminder of former industrial
activity here by the River Wey, which is culverted under the
left-hand end of the building.
(RCHME: Dorset, South-East: London: 1970-: 359). Listing NGR: SY6670283516
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Books and journals Inventory of Dorset II South East, (1970), 359
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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