3/9 (West Side)
2.9.52 Cauldwell Hall
GV II* Small country house, now a school. Early C18 with late C18 and
C19 alterations, also with late C19 and C20 additions. Red
brick on stone plinth with gauged brick and stone dressings, and
hipped slate roofs with panelled brick side wall and ridge
stacks. Part two storeys plus attics and part two storeys.
U-plan with eleven bay garden elevation to south. This southern
range has two storeys plus attics and an advanced five bay
central part with lower three bay flanking wings. Central part
and wings have moulded stone plinths, rusticated stone corner
pilasters up to top of first floor level and large moulded stone
cornices with a stone course over, above the first floor
windows. Attics have parapets with moulded stone copings, which
are ramped up to the central bays on either wing, they also have
plain stone corner pilasters topped by gadrooned urns. Central
moulded stone doorcase is now filled by a plain sash and to
either side there are pairs of plain sashes. Beyond to either
side the wings each have a central late C19 canted bay window
with moulded stone cornice below brick parapets and plain sashes
to each side, those to front in re-set C18 moulded shouldered
stone surrounds with double keystones. Between the canted bay
and the advanced central bays to east there is an inserted
panelled door below a plain overlight. Above there are eleven
plain sashes, those to central five bays taller than those to
the wings. Central window is set in a moulded shouldered stone
surround with plain ashlar above and below, and the central
windows to the wings have similar surrounds but also with the
top of the lintels ramping up to a double keystone. All windows
without stone surrounds have flat gauged brick arches with
double stone keyblocks. Above in the attic there are eleven
small glazing bar sashes, all below flat brick arches except the
central one which is in a moulded stone surround. In the
re-entrant angles there are C19 hopper heads at top of first
floor level dated 1727, and above in the attic there are the
original fluted C18 lead hopper heads. Later additions to east
and west sides of south range are of no special interest. Rear
elevation has central C18 style early C20 porch and two glazing
bar sashes below flat gauged brick arches with double stone
keyblocks to east, with two similar windows above. Over the
porch is a tall glazing bar sash and to west there are two
similar sashes to those to east, but set at mezzanine level,
with blind recesses above and below. Above, the attic level has
five small glazing bar sashes below flat brick arches. Late C19
wing to east has four glazing bar sashes to each floor, those to
ground floor below segmental gauged brick arches with stone
keyblocks, those to first floor below plain flat brick arches
and those in attic in pedimented roof dormers. West range is
early C18 and has a plain stone plinth, rusticated quoins to
corners, advanced pedimented central bay and moulded stone
cornice. It is two storied and has seven bays. Central bay has
moulded stone doorcase with pulvinated frieze, moulded cornice
and console keystone. To either side there are three timber
cross windows below flat gauged brick arches with stone
keyblocks. Six similar 2-light windows above and a central
2-light window in moulded stone surround on console brackets
with raised keystone. Above, the pediment has a moulded stone
cornice and a central circular stone clockface. Interior has
original dogleg staircase with ramped and wreathed handrail,
three knopped balusters to each tread, one plain, one fluted and
one twisted, scrolled cheekpieces and dado panelling to opposite
wall. Most of the rooms to south front have raised and fielded
panelling, with dado rails and timber cornices, and the hall has
its original grey marble bolection moulded fireplace. There are
two simple C18 fireplaces to first floor rooms and some re-used
C17 panelling.
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