5/41 Wyldingtree
Farmhouse GV II Large lobby-entrance house, c.1600, with C16 wing, altered in C19 and C20.
Timber framed, partly plastered, but mainly encased in late C19 brickwork, red
with blue bands, Flemish bond, roofed with C19 red clay tiles. Aligned
approximately E-W, aspect N, with central chimneystack of 6 hearths and chimney
stack at W end. C16 crosswing of earlier house to W, and W wing forming an L
plan. Late C19 extension to rear of this, with end chimney stack. Large late
C19 extension to rear of central chimney stack, with 2 external chimney stacks
on E wall. Single storey lean-to extension between this and C16 crosswing, C20.
2 storeys and attics in lobby-entrance house, 2 storeys in section to W. N
elevation of lobby-entrance house, 6 panel door with upper 2 glazed in doorcase
with 2 engaged Doric columns and open pediment. Late C19 bay windows to each
side. 3 late C19 casement windows on first floor and one small C20 casement
window. Elevation of red brick, Flemish bond, with bands of blue bricks. 6
grouped octagonal shafts on main chimney stack. W section has a plastered
elevation, central door and 2 casement windows on each floor, all C20. In
lobby-entrance house, plain chamfered beams with lamb's tongue stops, joists
unchamfered where exposed, above ground andfirst floors. On first floor, 2
hearths with depressed brick arches and moulded lintels, with original plaster
to W of stack, stripped to brickwork E of stack. In C16 W crosswing, one plain-
chamfered beam with a single step stop surviving, unglazed window on first floor
with diamond mullions in situ, now in an internal wall. The W house is the
earlier of the two, but is extensively altered, probably used as service
accommodation since the C17. The lobby-entrance house, though of Victorian
appearance externally, is substantially in its original form, an exceptionally
large example of its kind.
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