TL 504 076 MAGDALEN LAVER Molmans
5/25 (formerly listed as
22.2.52 Mollmans)
GV II House, C16, extended in C19/20. Timber framed, plastered, roofed with handmade
red clay tiles. 3-bay crosswing, early C16, aligned approx. N-S, with external
chimney stack on W wall, C17. Extending to E, 3 bays with chimney stack in
middle bay, forming a lobby-entrance to N, c.1600. Rear wing opposite chimney
stack, C19/20, with garage block at end. W crosswing 2 storeys, remainder 2
storeys with attics. N elevation, tiled gabled porch, 3 casement windows,
4 more on first floor, all C20. 2 facade gables, each with C20 casement window.
Grouped diagonal shafts. Some framing exposed internally. W crosswing consists
of 2 normal-length bays and one short bay to the S, probably for a stair and
ante-room originally. Jowled posts. Arched braces to wallplates and tiebeams
inside studs. Binding beam plain chamfered with step stops. Evidence of former
unglazed windows on both sides at first floor level, the E now in an internal
wall. Edge-halved and bridled scarfs in both wallplates. Roof structure not
accessible. In remainder of house, axial beams plain-chamfered with lamb's
tongue stops both sides of stack at both levels:. Original winding stair S of
stack from floor to attic, with individual pitched roof on N-S axis. E of
stack, tension braces trenched inside studs, roof of clasped purlin
construction. W of stack, roof of joggled butt: purlin construction. Some
original floorboards. RCHM 6.
Listing NGR: TL5040207596
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Books and journals An Inventory of Essex Central and South West, (1921)
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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