2/38 GV II Small house, c.1600, altered in C19 and C20. Timber framed, plastered, thatched
roof. 3 bays aligned NW-SE, aspect SW. Original axial chimney stack at
SE end of middle bay. Early C19 chimney stack at NW end. Lean-to extension
to NW, with corrugated iron roof, C19 lean-to extension to NE with slate
roof, c.1972. Single storey with attics. One C19 cast iron casement window
in NW extension, plain boarded door, 3 C20 casement windows, 2 more in eyebrow
dormers. Timber frame partly exposed internally. Jowled posts, arched braces
rising from corner posts to tie beams and wallplates, trenched inside studs.
Original floor in NW bay, axial beam with lamb's tongue stops. Floor in
middle bay probably inserted early in the life of the building, axial beam with
lamb's tongue stops, joists supported on pegged clamps at sides. No evidence
of unglazed windows. Chimney stack apparently reduced in depth, front to back.
Partition between middle and NW bay is of exposed studding, with wattle
fixings in sides, one original plain doorway through. At first floor level
a doorway has been inserted through the tie beam, strongly framed to resist
tension, and later blocked. This building has been divided into 2 cottages in
the early C19, with an extra door inserted and later blocked, now re-combined
into one dwelling. The SE end of the roof may be hipped or half-hipped
originally, but this is now covered by continuous thatch to the next house.
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